Wednesday, January 17, 2007
The Mind Game
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Here at FSHOD we like to think that we are fairly attuned to the many and varied modes of manipulation, harrasement and outright no-goodnik programs foisted upon the citizenry by members of government, the intelligence community, the military and, in general, Science. Well just like Jello, "There's always room for more!".
Fellow Shodddie Linnie recently brought to my attention an article published in the Washington Post titled Mind Games, a story about a community of people who believe the government is beaming voices into their minds. Of course, there's more to it than that bald statement implies. Now, I'm sure we've broached this subject here and there at FSHOD...or at least hinted at it, but this article really made me take stock of the 'collateral damage' (i.e. human impact) of this nefarious technology and of it's outright criminal use.
I encourage you to read this article amd look around the Internet. You'll find plenty to substantiate what these people claim is being done.
If the article link above does not work, you can find a copy here.