Sunday, January 25, 2009
Tie That Binds
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I have not been active on FSHOD for months, now. I had some health, time and life issues that intervened. Also, I was tired of even the minimal management of this blog over the past recent years.
But mostly, I've found myself rather worn out over the seemingly endless levels and areas of conspiracy and lies and obfuscation and, as comedians Cheech and Chong said it, "Buggery on the High Seas" that we, the 'Common Man' are forced to deal with on a daily basis...and never, ever, seeming to find that much needed Soul Relief called 'The Truth'.
I fought with this and soul-searched, and couldn't give a tinker's damn...I was just tired and fed up and bored with the whole thing. I buried my self in reading and just being with my family...and taking great joy in my granddaughter, a real light in my life.
But the more I saw my emails from FSHOD pile up in my inbox with only the cursory glance, I realized that others were not giving up...and my guilt over my Hoaglandish abandonment increased...not enough to overcome my laziness, but it WAS there.
Because we Shoddies seem bound to each other...
Bound by years of association with each other, and all the trials and tribulations we've been through.
Bound by shared interests and the desire to learn of new interests that are shared by each of us (I think of all the topics I learned about as a result of reading things you've shared, things that would never have crossed my interest radar...and I assume the same is true for you!)
Bound by the need for Truth.
Bound by the frustration and downright anger at the manipulations of TPTB whose only seeming desire is to prevent us, at all costs, from discovering that Truth.
And bound by the overwhelming Need to fight and prevail over those forces of obfuscation.
In my case, I've fallen prey to what TPTB relies on to a great degree...and that most people fall for immediately...APATHY. Their hope is that the people will wear down immediately, and get 'back to work'. And for those that persist, that time will do just what it did to me...make me tired and fed up, THEN get 'back to work'.
We just finally got rid of an administration that was in the forefront of the Fascist Corpocracy, and good riddance. But we know that the 'hidden' backbone of the Beast still exists and functions and thrives. Mr.Obama offers a ray of hope, but he will be met with resistance every step of the way, and I fear that many have such high hopes of our new President, that they will falter all the quicker when he, perhaps, does not achieve the desired results. We hope, we wait, we'll see.
But I have no faith in this. I hear non-right-wing pundits state that there is no need to investigate recent past misdeeds, since no one will get convicted and the investigations will have a heavy cost in time, energies and dollars. They ask, "So Why do it?" .....
Over-archingly, that is the...Tie That Binds.