Friday, December 30, 2005
The FSHOD Genesis
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The genesis of the term 'FSHOD' stems from bit of comedic wit that I experienced almost 20 years ago when, after some moron committed an act of extreme 'dumbassicity', I suggested that the world would be a better place if the 'Flying ShitHook of Death' would remove said moron from the realm of the living, thereby eliminating a threat to the peace and welfare of humankind. In my mind, the FSHOD was this giant hook-like thing that would appear out of thin air and pluck the deserving offender away, the symbolic thorn removed. The image above is a result of the imagination and skill of friend Zebowho, who realized that the hook had some other technology supporting it.
The genesis of the FSHOD Blog is another story and, like the FSHOD I imagined for 20 years, the intent is still to be of benefit to humankind. The story goes like this:
For years, I have followed the work of Richard Hoagland and have been a regular visitor to his website I, like many others, was delighted when in June 2005 Mr. Hoagland posted a link from that website to the 'The Captain's Blog'. While participating actively during the life of that blog, there was the opportunity to communicate directly with Mr. Hoagland and, perhaps more importantly, to communicate with other like-minded individuals and develop relationships with them. Most rewarding!
In mid-October 2005 Mr. Hoagland inexplicably ceased communicating on his blog. By the first week of November the Captain's Blog was already too cumbersome for use and there were many of 'the Crewe' who expressed the desire to continue our relationship in a more amenable environment. Frustrated at the thought the these desires were not being acted upon, I took it upon myself to create a new blog and effectively 'steer the Enterprise into Drydock' at . To my amazement, this action was well received by 'the Crewe' and considering the lack of a celebrity host, has been a success.
After almost two months of no communications from Mr. Hoagland and in light of certain developments seen at TEM, there has been a sentiment among the Crewe that we sever the ties to TEM and the Captain's Blog and establish our own identity. Many have had suggested ideas that involve varying degrees of webmaster skill, technological expertise and financial commitment. Some of the more comprehensive schemes may, in the future, be realized. In the belief that 'Simpler is Better' and also in agreement with the desire to 'move on' and in response to suggestions by some in the Crewe, I have now created the FSHOD Blog.
As this relationship amongst the 'Drydockers' has evolved, so now does the meaning of the term 'FSHOD' acquire a new significance. Drydocker Starshipconstellation I believe suggested the idea of 'Fearlessly Seeking Honest Open Disclosure' and I think that this aptly describes the sentiment we share and ultimate goal that we seek.
For it is our contention that governments (and, by logical extension, religion and perhaps the corporate world) derive their authority and power from the people they govern. As such, it is incumbent upon these entities to be open and honest with the people. We submit that governments, including that of the USA, have not been forthcoming with the TRUTH on a variety of differrent subjects. We also submit that this failure to disclose the truth is not in the best interests of the people whence the power to govern originates.
We therefore band together in the effort to promote disclosure of the truth on a wide range of topics. We propose to do this using the tools of education, debate, spiritual enlightenment and political activism...and the occaisional activation of the FSHOD!