Tuesday, February 21, 2006
War on Climate
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Tell me if you see the same thing that I am seeing in this 'development'....
In President Bush's State of the Union (SOTU)speech, he waxed eloquent about the US being addicted to Oil and the need to develop new forms of renewable energy. This astonished everybody...and I've learned that when Dubya 'astonishes' his own loyal followers that I'd better tap my BS Meter and ensure it's in good working order.
In the past week or so, but especially starting yesterday (2/21/06), Dubya has been giving speeches about the need for Renewable Energy and it's impact on National Security, and this is receiving increasingly heavier media coverage each passing day. Other Republicans, such as Ken Lay (Enron) buddy Arnold Schwarzenegger,are also getting in on the act.
In the spirit of "Hail, Hail, the Gang's All Here!", the conservative talk shows today are focusing on this new move by Evangelical Christians to fight Global Warming. I'm betting that this evolves into the "War on Climate'...and to do that you gotta have a rallying cry and then Divinely-ordained talkingpoints'
But it all seems too quick and too pat..and is starting to receive that whirlwind of focus that whispers 'dyzinformatzya' to me. Face it, since day one Dubya has gone out of his way to cater to every whim of the oil industry and the status quo highlighted, in my thinking, by the millions of federal dollars 'funneled' from the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) to the oil companies for research into extracting hydrogen from oil for the 'Hydrogen Economy' (ref: Dubya's 1st SOTU) to taking IMMEDIATE action the day after Katrina hit...by issuing a nationwide reprieve on all legislated emissions restrictions on gasoline, which means the refineries don't have to put costly additives in the gas, an oft-repeated goal that Big Oil has been bemoaning ever since 2001. And then we have all the oil industry folks in his Administration (e.g. Cheney, Rice, etc). C'mon Dubya...who are you kidding? The record of the Bush Administration on Renewable Energy and the environment is worse than lacking...it's abysmal, if not criminal!
So WTF is all this 'we don't need no steeeenking oil' rhetoric? Is it part of a psy-op campaign to scare the bejesus out of OPEC nations, i.e. Rumsfield's "Information War"? Is it part of pre-midterm election chatter to make the American public think that the Republicans actually care about the environment and to whip their Christian political base into action? Is it the fact that the Administration backed off of the ANWR debate, although they still use it as a club to batter the Democrats, because Big Oil CAN'T drill in ANWR because global warming has melted the ice to the point that the ground cannot support the weight of the heavy equipment needed to build the drilling sites? (This is a recent article, but this information has been in the public domain since at least November...now think of that then recall all the bombastic rant against Democrats for 'politicizing' our energy needs and national security...seems rather disingenuous on the Administration's part!)
Regardless the motivation, this has the same stink as most of the incredibly efficient propaganda works we've become accustomed to. Don't trust it...Or me! Open your eyes, see what develops, make your own judgment. I'm not always right about everything...Ask my wife!