Sunday, July 30, 2006
TNR - Speaking Out
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by FSHOD member Bubba Hyde
FSHOD and its progenitor the TEM blog have been instrumental in my waking up to the things that are happening in our country and the world. The hurricane season last year that led up to the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina was the tipping point for me. Watching as thousands stood baking in the summer heat without water, food or shelter made me realize that to our government, we were but cattle. Since that time, I have discovered a plethora of wrongs committed by those claiming to serve in the public interest. To this family I am grateful. I am also saddened as the world I believed existed does not. Nobody wishes to believe that those who lead us regard in such low esteem. It goes against the grain of what good people are able to imagine. A number of sleepless nights I have spent attempting to put everything into place. I have some of the pieces but not all.
America has been sold out. Our infrastructure, our sovereignty and the lives of our children are being sold away. It is treasonous, patently criminal and violates everything those that have paid the ultimate price believed and died supporting. The government may have a vision of what America is supposed to be. Their vision is opposite that of our founding documents and runs counter to what most American envision.
On FSHOD we've spoken of disclosure on a number of occasions. Wishing for the day the starship is hijacked or that TPTB would come clean and reveal the secrets we know to be hidden. I know that isn't going to happen. Not in an environment where you, the citizen, are considered the enemy. Daily, this nation draws itself closer to becoming a total police state in which freedoms are given as privileges and not the unalienable rights our Constitution says were given to us, not by man but by the Creator. September 11, 2001 was the first in a series of events that has brought us to this point where we now stand on the precipice of tyranny and ruin. Where freedom is stifled, disclosure will never occur nor will the great discoveries and adventure that drive our being.
Knowledge is power as the saying goes and I believe it to be true. With that knowledge comes responsibility. The responsibility to share that knowledge and educate others. Knowing what I have learned in the past year, I cannot in all good conscience sit back and do nothing. I refuse to allow my children and my grandchildren to be left a legacy of tyranny where the foundations of freedom have been trampled in the name of safety and security. Being free is a risky proposition. In a free society there are inherent risks that go along with free speech and the right to assemble with whomever one wishes. I prefer to take that risk rather than have my every move tracked, my phone calls monitored, the websites I view scrutinized or see the rights of Americans trampled upon to keep us "safe" from an event that may or may never happen again. That is why I have chosen to speak out.
Tuesday night August 1, 2006 at midnight central time, I embark on a new beginning by once again entering the broadcast arena to spread the word of freedom and truth. TNR Live is that program on what I hope one day will be a powerfully effective network of likeminded people who feel the same clarion call to action that I have felt for many months. Our first show we will be discussing September 11th with a man that I know to be a consummate expert about that day, Jim Fetzer. I hope you will join me by listening and participating in the program. This will be the first of nightly programs that will explore issues from 9-11 to chemtrails to health and beyond. This show will run the gammit of topics and guests all in an effort to educate and empower people to act to restore their freedoms and unalienable rights. A return to common sense and most of all truth. Forewarned is forearmed. I hope you will join me.
Truth and Love To You All,