Monday, October 09, 2006
Case of Emergency
546 comments - Click for Blogby KrazyBy4Kids
We all have heard (and hence ignore) the instructions for an emergency in our schools, workplaces, and even our favorite stores. It is usually ended with “Break Glass” and there is either an emergency PANIC button, or a fire alarm, or some other type of self explanatory instruction. However the new millennium has brought with it a new hazard. FEAR. Since 9-11, our society has been bombarded with ‘news’ of frightening events in our country. Events that range from terror plots in our nations cities, to executions of children in our schools. The former only concerns most citizens in passing, since it usually only indirectly effects the majority, but the latter strikes fear into the hearts of millions as we contemplate the REALITY of someone entering a school full of children, and being so enraged, so far away from reality, that they would actually execute helpless, innocent children.
The Fear-Mongering that has taken over our country, and even our world, seems to only be the beginning. What has ended is our ability to get through even one day of our lives without the question of our safety entering our heads. As I write this, it is about 8pm on a Saturday night. It is dark, and the Harvest Moon (12% larger than normal)is slowly making its progression across the night sky. My dog is barking. He has been barking for half an hour now. My first thought? Who’s outside??? Well, honestly, no one should be outside. We live in the country. No sidewalks, no next door neighbors. My first thought should have been: What is outside? Usually the dog barks at groundhogs, which seem to love the fact that they can irritate him, but he can't get near them.
As I listen to the barking, I also notice the traffic on the road. About a mile down the road is a very popular bar. My husband's best-friend's band is playing there tonight. I am not considering the band, or the bar tonight. No, tonight I am worried about the patrons. I worry that at 2:15 am when the bar sends everyone home, someone will be drunk and miss the curve in road in front of my house, or not notice the red flashing lights of the trains that come through all night.
As I think forward to bedtime, I remind myself to double check that I locked the doors. I have never locked my doors before, and more often than not, I only remember after I’m in bed. I usually convince myself that there is no reason to lock my doors. That I am perfectly safe out here in the country. Tonight I will think of the dead Amish children who had more reason than most children to believe they were safe. I’ll probably climb out of my warm bed and go lock the doors.
As more horrifyingly evil things happen around us, what will we do in case of emergency? We can see what our government will do – lock the barn door after the horse is gone, create more rules which only apply to those who are not suspect (reverse profiling), or do like Rep. Frank Lasee (R Wis) and suggest that we put guns into our schools. Obviously a ridiculous suggestion only meant to spark anger, and outrage so that they can pass some "kinder, gentler" law that subsequently limits or inhibits parental involvement in our schools.
What can WE do to help ensure our safety and the safety of our loved ones? Well, pretty much nothing. We will talk about it for awhile, then the next big FEAR will come along and we’ll worry on that for a few weeks. We humans are basically apathetic creatures who have the uncanny ability to ‘forget’ about important things while we go about our oh-so-busy and important lives. My daughter says “Mom, I am worried about what the future will bring”, and I answer, “Our great grandparents had the same worries and concerns during their time. Put it into perspective, and you wont get so upset.”
But, is that the right thing to do? Am I teaching my children to be as apathetic as I am? Shame on me. I should say, “ Make a list of your Top 3 biggest Fears. Now, for each one, make a list of things you can do to keep them from happening, and make a list of what you would do if they happened anyway.” THAT would be doing something.
Well, Here’s MY LIST. Maybe our intelligent, creative, and informed group can make a difference.
1. Our government will continue on its mission to strip our citizens of their rights, thereby paving the way for:
A) a totalitarian state, or
B) a union with other less-freedom-loving countries
(apparently under way and due to be complete in 2007)
2. Our government will force our schools into lockdown with
prison-like searches of all visitors and staff in a knee-jerk
reaction to the latest round of school shootings.
(funny how these things happen in 3’s, eh Jas?)
3. Armageddon or the Rapture will occur in my lifetime and I’ll
live through it. Then what?!?!
So, there it is. What can we do? How can we prevent or fix any of it? Dare we try?