Monday, July 20, 2009
752 comments - Click for BlogMon July 20, 2009
By rhw007
I recently saw a movie called “Eagle Eye” and found in it’s premise something that may be happening even as we speak. The signs are everywhere, if one knows what to look for and understand what they see. We are more monitored electronically to a global electromagnetic sucking machine whose SOLE purpose is to gather as much electromagnet spectrum data as possible and store it, sort it, absorb it’s meaning, correlate it with other bits of information which may be tied together, and eventually produce a probability of some outcome from that piece of data.
The earliest name I recall in web ‘history’ is ECHELON. Which with self-autonomous “awareness” being doing in virtual 3-D Method and apparatus for total situational awareness and monitoring along with total Space Domination that such a thing as “Eagle Eye” may not be so “far-out” as to be possible under an ETI environment.
As an Earthling I feel like flying a distress American flag upside down because the “haves” are not taking care of our species very well. The Military who was supposed to “Preserve and Protect from ALL Enemies Foreign and Domestic” have become the world’s most hated super-power. And it also comes when a realization that America is broke from “Empire Building” and currently doing so under the False Flag Event of 9-11’s War on Terror. I wish I could do more to make someone, anyone, anything, any intelligence to help us in these trying times…and the worse to come.
“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
That was the lesson of “Eagle Eye”. That an Artificially Intelligent piece of software made a judgment call that the current “haves” were NOT treating the American Citizens fairly and planned a ‘Coup d’état’. Command and control of remote objects and monitoring any video anywhere that was electronic, on web or not.
Only by physically destroying collection point did the trick, the AI not having the foresight to pre-load a copy of it/her self off-planet before being smashed. She never questioned the data. Every data bit was real.
There are Moon and Mars ruins we can discern from the photographic, electronic spectrum data and original first hand testimony on the Moon. Was it us before the last Milky Way Galactic Crossing? If we’ve known for a long time through “secret societies” and they are not going to share the knowledge with those stuck on Earth then we are doomed as dinosaurs.
There is a bi-faceted Ares Face in Cydonia on Mars that Cries up into a full Universe and says to all… We Were Here.
Was it us who built it, the D & M Pyramid, the Smoking Pyramid , the Tholus, the Square, the Fort, the Key, and the interlocking geometric hyper-dimensional relationships they form with each other when viewed from above? We cannot even re-do the Pyramids, Sphinx of Egypt, much less the ancient Mayan and other temples scattered across the planet showing previous crossings and leaving creations we cannot recreate now.
This time around it seems as if the “haves” have counted on surviving through the ground acquisition of many locations around the planet with the number of Military Bases and subsequent supply, support, command and try to control along with your neighbors while far from home. In addition to Anti-G Space Fleets of SpaceShips loading the chosen few to leave Planet Earth and pass 2012 in Orbit, the Moon or Mars under-ground bases.
For what? “Black Gold” ? …TRILLIONS of $$$ “Drugs”…BILLIONS of $$$
Down to the Last Asteroid Impacter.
The coming Age of Aquarius. A New Earth . A New Solar System as we transverse through the upper layers of the Milky Way Galaxy in Alignment.
Will we have to crawl ourselves out from caves again and go through the madness of savage butchery that has been the male dominated model between “collapses” or “Re-Births” of our species? I think intellectual gains through the power of woman rule societal and militarily how different ideas really ARE gender based and it matters to the brutal truth and common sense of our survival to support humans rather than butcher them.
“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
I don’t think our current “haves” of the planet our best interest in mind over-all. I think the clip for the 2012 movie is right you try not to panic everyone while handling the information…and the technology…you don’t tell us or give that technology to us when it might save billions of people at the worst possible times. Not very hospitable by the “haves” .
I apologize Ion I should at least left a comment that I actually HAD copied and updated version of my blog post to FSHOD merely to re-set the comment counter. I also value your insight into the SWORD persona…for all we know with his “re-awakening” we could be talking with the Moon and RCH’s DATA HEAD.
Even though I could qualify for a free wireless phone from government…”Eagle Eye” is a good reasonable idea for me not to get one.
I just received the movie SICKO the 2007 version from Amazon total $7 price. Might trying to get permission put on local access cable.
Universal Health Care in America NOW !!!
If there's nothing to hide...why hide the information, objects, gag people, shred documents or loose emails violating Federal Law?
Say what you mean and mean what you say.
Don't make promises and policies you don't intend to keep and to keep the policies and promises you do make.
ACTIONS speak louder than words.
ACTIONS are PROOF of intent.
ACTIONS are the final judgment of character.
It REALLY is that simple.
July 20, 2009 11:03 PM
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