Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Explosive Mysteries Galore
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by Guest Blogger 371 Bohemia
Recently, while doing"Jager Bombs" with some colleagues at a local watering hole, our red-faced selves started discussing the many mysteries and other subjects are are not really discussed. A couple colleagues are die-hard Astronomers and track nearly everything that floats by ("Astronomers *do it* in the dark; Physicists *do it* with force, and Cosmologists *do it* with the Universe").
At some point between the fifth and nth "Jager Bomb," we moved to a vaguely coherent discussion on all the recent mystery explosions worldwide and their possible causes:
- hyperdimensional aliens revving up their spacecraft hot rods;
- maximum ultra-souped-up "glass pack" mufflers, Earth-shaking speakers, complete with rap music and wheel spinners...just to shame us?
- meteors streaking across the sky and vanishing in a >BOOM
- time ripples in space (kind-a like a speed bump)?
Whatever the case is, we know:
- very seldom were seismic detectors set-off
- rarely were there other explanations (like air force training planes causing sonic booms, power explosions, thunder, etc...)
- very infrequently was there any visible activity seen in the sky during these occurrences
- rarely was anything found
- almost always no damage was reported
So, with these thoughts and discussions echoing in my hung-over head, I submit the following mysterious explosions and wonder "What could be the cause(s)?":
Jun 30, 1908: A colossal flash lit up the sky over Tunguska, Siberia, followed by an explosion with the power of a thousand atom bombs, Now believed to be caused by a UFO. (Sunking's Note: This theory does seem to be revived and debunked annually!?!)
Dec 7, 2000: Mystery Of The Fireball From The Salisbury, New Hampshire Sky Deepens. STILL UNRESOLVED! ("Electric Universe" theory support)
Apr 20, 2001: Mystery Boom Rocks Queensland, Australia
Jan 24, 2002: Mystery Trench In Wales Caused By Lightning Strike, Not Meteorite Fall. Very powerful lightning. Related story here.
November 1,2002: Unexplained 'Boom' Scares Florida Residents
June 17, 2003: Sarasota, Florida Residents Hear, Feel Mystery Boom
June 7, 2004: Mystery Explosion Rocks Town in Seaford, England
June 11, 2004: Mystery bang heard in Hawkes Bay, New Zealand
March 8, 2005: Source of Mystery Booms in North Carolina Likely to Remain Unknown
January 17, 2006: Mystery Bang in Spalding, England
February 24, 2006: Mystery Boom in Somerset County, Maine
March 23, 2006: Loud Explosion in Canada, eh?
April 20, 2006: Unidentified explosion in Bacau, Romania
And what mystery would be complete
without a murder story. Keeping true to the traditions of Alfred Hitchcock,
H.P. Lovecraft, and Edgar Allen Poe, I submit the following true unsolved
Mystery Death
NBC News - Los Angeles, CA
April 28, 2003
-- How long would it take for someone to notice if you vanished from the face of the earth? In one case, it took local authorities 11 days, even after they found a body.
"911. What is your emergency?"
"Yes, I am on the 1-10 Freeway and I saw this man standing there, then when I turned around, I didn't see him anymore. I think he jumped."
A man did jump. He jumped 35 feet wearing nothing but a pair of designer pants. No shoes. No shirt. No identification.
At the Los Angeles County Coroner's Office, the body lay unclaimed for 11 days.
At that time, a woman stepped forward with a photo of the dead man. A frantic search had been launched, even a missing person's report filed on Dec. 5, six days after the man had vanished.
Fingerprints confirmed what a family dreaded the most. The dead man was one of their own: Manuel Salvador Esquivel.
Esquivel was a 37-year-old engineer at NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory in
Pasadena, Calif. Esquivel was a graduate of Cal-Tech and received his MBA from Stanford.
According to his family, Esquivel spent 17 years working for NASA - JPL in the deep space satellite communications network. While science was his calling, music was his passion.
Esquivel spent his time in Los Angeles' salsa scene. 'Belinda' a salsa dancer said, "He was always happy and making friends." But Esquivel's family said that salsa led him astray. They claim it happened during a trip Esquivel made to Cuba last November to attend a festival.
Cary Podell is a tour organizer. Podell told NBC4, "He was not part of our tour. Ours was a legal trip approved by Washington. His was not."
Esquivel went to Cuba via Mexico on Nov. 22 and returned seven days later. He arrived at Los Angeles International Airport.
No one from his family got a phone call. Maria Esquivel said this about her brother, "This was not like him. He always called us when he traveled."
It's what Manny Esquivel left behind that makes his family wonder. His car remained in the airport garage.
Esquivel's family wonders how he got from LAX to the place where he died with no clothes on. And where did he spend three days, between the day his ticket says he touched down at LAX, and the day an unidentified caller said he jumped to his death?
The LA Coroner says the cause of death was trauma to the head, but a final ruling is pending results of toxicology tests. (371's note: the results were never released. When the family pressed the issue; the results were returned inconclusive.)
In the meantime, Esquivel's family says not enough has been done.
Rosa Esquivel, Esquivel's sister said, "LAPD botched this case. So did the California Highway Patrol. They thought my brother was just an illegal who killed himself. And that's (why) they didn't investigate what happened." The police have at least one clue as to what happened to Esquivel. Two men, caught on a surveillance camera, who stopped at the El Charro store on Pacific Boulevard in Huntington Park, Calif., charged $250.00 on a credit card that belonged to Manny Esquivel.
The two men have yet to be identified.
(371's note: Does JPL/NASA "hit" their own? What did Mr. Esquivel know? Now, we will never know.)
The Fine Line of Disclosure:
So, what does it take to get organisations to open up the knowledge vaults. Apparently *VERY* much. Knowledge is power and possessors of certain knowledge can be either esteemed and protected or watched and buggered.
It is not enough to say: "Oh well, it's a mystery. We'll never know." Then throw ones hands in the air and walk away.
Per the "X-Files" tagline: "The truth is out there."
As citizens, I believe, this knowledge or information needs to be released and shared. Burying this in the darkest depths of Ivory Towers is to preserve the information for whom? Couldn't the world really use some new technology break-throughs now? Aside from the obvious power play, the potential for peace and advancement exists. Surely, our globalist leaders are not afraid of that, are they? (sarcastic comment; read with sarcasm).
For all the true, diligent working scientists, researchers, engineers, and other techs, our objective is to share (or show off) and advance our knowledge/information. The strong-arm suppression of TPTB, makes being a TECH much less rewarding.
When I was a nuclear medicine physicist at a large cancer hospital in a small state, my work was more rewarding. Back then, I could see the impact of my knowledge and work. Sometimes, a patient goes into remission. Sure it was stressful and one must guard against becoming too attached. Radiation treatments may be archaic by "Star Trek" standards; but it is all they allow us to have for now. Compared to being stuck as a researcher at a megalithic space organisation where my work gets scrutinised, banned, and basically robbed by MGMT. It is a useless existence. A teacher without students.
To touch a life and enhance a life is the ideal of many I associate with. Consider a painter who is a talented artist, losing her hands and is unable to paint. Such is the situation we find ourselves with new innovations, technology, and discoveries that are collecting dust in a vault in some unknown location; forever trapped under lock and key.
To quote from the NASAWatch web site: "Remember: It's YOUR space agency. Get involved. Take it back. Make it work - for YOU."
There are many on the inside that WANT to work for you, the people. Please give us the chance.