Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Threats Above, Below
390 comments - Click for Blog
by Ericswan
In my opinion, the FSHOD crewe is way ahead of the curve when it comes to disclosure. 9/11 is old hat compared to what we went through with hurricane manipulations that will take a couple more seasons in the sun before the centre moves our way. One of the things I like the most about our group is its' "discernment". You have never failed me when it comes to glowering a jaundiced eye on every frontal attack that has been made. Someone is always there to question a post, a link, a comment, or another poster's motives or identity. This makes it all very interesting as there can be no moving forward if "this dog won't hunt'.
One of my over-long posts brings me to an issue I think we should look at. (Besides the fact that the comments page is too long for dialups!) The overlong piece that I'm speaking about quotes Richard Hoagland's investigation into a heated up solar system as being the reason for our flyboy heroes in the sky:
"Richard C. Hoagland, among others, has been advocating such an energy transference between our universe and (for lack of a better term) a ”sister universe” for some years now. He has been all too aware of the significant changes happening with our sun and all the planets in our solar system. His latest paper discussing this phenomenon, (which he calls ”hyper-dimensional”) is ”Interplanetary Day After Tomorrow?” available to read at this URL:
Mr. Hoagland has a brilliant and highly imaginative mind. He is also a maverick. Because some of his methods are unorthodox and his insight unsettling, much of the scientific establishment tends to dismiss his ideas. The irony is, years after they dismiss his observations they often are found rushing to publish papers in peer publications exactly echoing what he often first pointed out to them. Such is the history of the established norm versus the insightful innovators."
The writer (anonymous) goes on to say that Mr. Hoagland and his insight into solar system warming is why we need chemtrails. I don't recall anything on RCH's board that would indicate he had a position on chemtrails. Regardless, I think that we should discuss and explore this issue in-depth, especially considering that the IDAT article is a couple of years old. And I also think that this article posted in the comments recently about the urgent warning of imminent cataclysm in Northwestern United States is definitely a related issue cause to devote some time and human energy to finding the truth.
Any comments?
eric swan