In this Blog we discuss Science, Space, Spirituality, Esoterica & the Failure of Governments to Disclose the Truth about nearly EVERYTHING important to HumanKind! This sometimes requires activation of the Flying ShitHook of Death!
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I know...I'm a baddddd man. Click on free and get Google Sky.
I didn't know that they had this. Thanks for sharing.
Ericswan, thx for the new blog.
That last one was nearing TEM dimensions.
Continuing from the previous 675 comments
That Tequila thing reminds me of another gripe I have.
On a road trip to Mexico in 74-75, my friend and I stopped at a roadside stand on the highway near Tequila, not venturing into the actual town, and bought a souvenir bottle of Jose Cuervo Especial. Crossing back into Texas we found out that the bottle was tax free as far as the U.S. Customs was concerned, but we had to pay a quarter to the gentleman from the Texas department of revenue. This was at a little roadside border shack at Falcon Dam in the middle of the night. It was only a quarter, but it still steams me that Texas is taking advantage of all the tourists coming back through their state at the Mexican border. If any other non border states stopped every car and made you pay a tax on interstate commerce, it would be unconstitutional. Millions of touristas at a quarter a bottle (back then) is boo koo bucks!
End of rant. I feel better.
Hey Clammy It's been out for less than 24 hours. I think it has a wiki functionality where data points can be added and discussion groups per scientific points of view. Should be interesting to post to Google Sky and see non-establishment points of view.
I can say that Dan's present activities are so important, pressing and secret that those in the new group, the group which took over from Majestic at the end of 2006, the group for whom he has agreed to make himself available, sought him out for this assignment and insisted that he is limited to no public contact until after December 14, 2007. This will provide the time for him to complete his activities with them, and be debriefed from the assignment. His present assignment is National Security related. Due to the nature of the assignment, Dan has accepted and been sworn to a National Security Oath.
Following his activities for the new group, Dan and I will be publishing our new book, 'Emanation of the Solfeggio', which will detail cutting edge discoveries in the area of acoustics. Next year, he and I will be speaking publicly (in person) about Project Lotus - the groundbreaking investigation into a strange silicate-associated phenomenon which may be altering the genomes of every living organism on planet earth. We are presently scheduled for an academic venue and planning a general audience presentation. (Introductory video trailers are already on Google.) A new edition of our work on Mars and Earth anomalies is also underway.
I feel much better. You have shown a great deal about yourself!
Our race, as we know it, will be on the ash heap of History because these players are conjuring up exactly what the GM's of the team want. It's a matter of opinion and perception as to how BIG RCH has "stuck it to us".
I've heard many say that America is a nation based on Law. What kind of law? The US Constitution defines 3 kinds, which have now been melded into "one". We live in a society based on codes and statues, not Law. It is imperative to know this before one can understand who is doing what for who!
The Fool said...
I feel much better. You have shown a great deal about yourself!
As have you. I believe that your true colors have come out today. Funny, but I don't believe that you've ever stood up for Blasted, Sunking, or Ion when they are being attacked, as they so commonly are. Could it be that you secretly agree? You know, silence can sometimes speak louder than words.
Download McCanney Aug. 23 show free here..
How to power the planet with hurricane energy...
How long have YOU been around? I don't recall seeing you when I was frequenting this Blog regularly so don't presume to think you know what you are talking about. I was one of Sunking's biggest supporters for the longest time, and if you want to take the time to do your research, you will find that out, but the Ms. T debacle still has me puzzled. But I'm not going to rehash the past anymore. That's done. Ion knows what I think about him and he certainly can take care of himself, as can Blasted.
There is quite a bit of "attacking" going around and it certainly is not isolated to "the dung heap". I don't attack, and I don't try to prevent people from attacking, my focus is on quality of information. I was not attacking you, just pointing out that you misrepresented what you said about CC and now you try to turn it back on me. I find that, well, weak. I'll ask the question I posed yesterday, again. Why does asking a few tough questions over at The Dark Mission, qualify one to be a roach? And do you really think he was "coming out swinging" or do you just enjoy attacking?
the fool said...
Why does asking a few tough questions over at The Dark Mission, qualify one to be a roach?
I'm not going to waste anymore time explaining myself. You know what BU posted and I would hardly call that "tough questions". If what he posted was truly worth the seconds of my life that I wasted reading, then why were they removed?
This conversation is over. Leave it at that.
My last word on this. I DON'T know what BU posted. No idea. You will see I never mentioned BU, just CC. I saw there was a post removed and I now know it was his, but as to the contents, no idea.
Thanks for posting Google sky...and resetting the blog. I have 2 blogs in the works, as you nmay have seen, but I have really been bogged down at work and at home. It has just been one of those weeks. Sorry to all you who have been battling the large size of Comments. Do forgive.
And it looks like we may have to put wifey's dog to sleep this weekend...always a bummer that.
hmmmm...seem's like I dropped in in the middle of a 'conversation' or 3. I don't think I want to know about at least one, tho.
Greetings, Fool, et. al.
Oh...and "What Ho!", Eric re: the Acoustics study. Bravo!
Well I have been slowly reading through Stephen Baxter's 'novel' Manifold: TIME
A few things are popping out. Considering what we now know about him, this add pieces to an emerging puzzle.
in alignment with a few of Sword's details, I found this in the story:
"The USASF's proudest moment since we took command of the high frontier on the occasion of our sixtieth anniversary in 2007 ...the finest candidates from all the services...a rigorous selection process...the U.S. spaceborne troops...
The book uses the number of 50 of them.
Baxter published this in 2000.
This year is indeed the 60th anniversary of the USAF.
60th Anniversary
As Sword has alluded, they have been operational for some time, but not publicly known or officially recognized.
Might this be an example indicator?
Now the more I look, the more it seems the scope of our space based organization and command structures are already pretty much described and already out on the table.
For an eye opening read, have a look at this pdf: Space Weapons Spending in the FY 2008 Defense Budget
Feb. 21, 2007
Theresa Hitchens, Victoria Samson, and Sam Black
It will show you more than a few details of actual technologies of the very advanced category. Yes, DIRECTED ENERGY.
For those of us that follow the meaningful use of numbers, here is a few from the budget that stand out boldly.
33 Falcon/Hypersonic Cruise Vehicle
33 Tiny, Independent, Coordinating Spacecraft (TICS)
33 Front-end Robotics Enabling Near-term Demonstration
O.K. bringing my input back to the book by Stephen Baxter. Here, he writes a description of a ship. Not unlike the one that Sword has described in some measure. ;)
The new vessel is over two hundred feet tall. Taller than the space shuttle, with a base diameter of eighty feet and a gross weight of fourteen million pounds.
We have thirty-six combustion chambers and eighteen turbo pumps; the fuel system is liquid hydrogen oxygen. the rocket engines are the most advanced available, developed by Lockheed Martin for the Venture Star.
They are based on the "aerospike" principle, which I am assured will ensure optimal operation at all altitudes, from ground to interplanetary space...
While I do feel we have tech now further beyond this classic combustion like format, this may well be a 'permitted' subtle disclosure of an older model. (remember the quote from Ben Rich, former head of the Lockheed Skunkworks)
O.k. you say, but what is all that 'crazy horse" talk iontruo2 keeps making?
Well, other than Baxter specifically using Cruithne as the prime space object of the story(fyi: Cruithne were 'the people of the horse'):
The name they gave the military ship described above was Bucephalus
Bucephalus was Alexander The Great's most trusted horse(stallion)!!
SO, well beyond the astronomical and NASA use of just "Pegasus", there is definitely appearing a predilection to the specific use of symbolisms around horses. I'll keep watching for more...
An interesting coincidence of the Big Ben-Phoenix connection:
Great Circle Route
From LON London(Metro area), England, GB
To KPAX Phoenix Sky Harbor Intl Airport, AZ, US
Initial Heading: 307 degrees NW
Distance: 5280 Miles
(5280 Feet=One Mile)
A Mile of miles! Milennial?
Not sure if y'all seen this blog, but it has some COOL pics!
Check this one out!
They even have the planet Saturn at the upper right corner.
RCH was on C2C for the entire first hour thursdy night, followed by 3 hrs of Major Ed Dames.
RCH said he is gonna post a picture of a humanoid skull on Mars on
(not there yet) :(
Ed Dames said we're all gonna die from a huge coronal mass ejection.
Cheery show! Not!
Oh well, enjoy the NOW and be grateful for a nice life so far.
Rocket's Firebird Rescue
Also Little Einsteins Legend of the Golden Pyramid :)
meangreen, GOOD ONE!
You know, my first remark would be to suggest Sun/Earth L5 Lagrange point as the choice location for just such a 'station', BUT then I saw the nice inclusion in the scene, of Saturn. (actually, its the only planet inclusion)
A hint to Iapetus perhaps?
Ed Dames said we're all gonna die from a huge coronal mass ejection.
Cheery show! Not!
Oh well, enjoy the NOW and be grateful for a nice life so far.
iontruo2--> Thanks! I don't follow that show, so I appreciate your 'heads up' (get it! yuk yuk yuk lol)
I'll take a blaze of glory over a slow sickly death.... or a heart attack on Dec 20th 2012...the day before ...doh!
Gort said...
RCH was on C2C for the entire first hour thursdy night, followed by 3 hrs of Major Ed Dames.
Sword !!!
And I missed it?
Copy anyone? Anyone want some cookies?
IonTruO2 said...
YTour missing the fine print:right out in front:
The 614th Space Operations Squadron mission was to provide Air Force Space Command's Fourteenth Air Force Commander (14 AF/CC (AFSTRAT-SP)) and US Strategic Command’s Commander, Joint Functional Component Command for Space (CDR JFCC SPACE) with the space operations expertise to command and control space forces in continuous support of global and theater operations.
These are the piolets I have spoken of before...
WE ARE the 1-17th, or the Mighty 33rd (M-33), or Sword (The Lord has a mighty Sword - for the words of the lord are also the sword of the lord.)
... ...or trouble to every base commander we have ever met.
(I'd go with the latter...)
On a side note - I'm back in civilian work once again - Funny how invasive you can get into a simple Americans home - they will even sign a contract and ket you download whatever they are doing with media and the internet every mo0nth - with no clue to what is being recorded.
You think the government is "getting" to invasive - the government has been contacting the private sector for decades.
As a link - this is what I do - similar to scale but not location - as my beer money job:
Digital plumbing - cable flow like water...
Yeah, yeah - Swords spaming the blog:
Thought I would share this with everyone, after my fourth - firth - whatever beer:
Now why would the wind cry mary?
Use the full screen button and get - happy?
You have mail.
Hopefully its not another marriage pr0posal - so tired...
O.k. I wanna know, did clamytoe get his cookies?
IonTruO2 had said...
Your missing the fine print:right out in front:
The 614th Space Operations Squadron mission was to provide Air Force Space Command's Fourteenth Air Force Commander (14 AF/CC (AFSTRAT-SP)) and US Strategic Command’s Commander, Joint Functional Component Command for Space (CDR JFCC SPACE) with the space operations expertise to command and control space forces in continuous support of global and theater operations.
These are the pilots I have spoken of before...(Sword)
WE ARE the 1-17th, or the Mighty 33rd (M-33), or Sword (The Lord has a mighty Sword - for the words of the lord are also the sword of the lord.)
... ...or trouble to every base commander we have ever met.
(I'd go with the latter...)
iontruo2--> I hear you Capt. O'
I used it because it was one of the best Wiki's I saw showcasing the various Space Force/Space Command structures.
It also went well with the 'actuality' of Baxter's use of the reference to 60th anniversary of the USAF/USASF in 2007.
For us civies, who are frankly feeling like mushrooms, with all this 'other' portion of our people now coming out from behind a curtain, I am wondering if "The Carter catastrophe" really has more to do with our disunity, than any 'external' threat event or peak climax.
Sword, what a rich name that Blog you posted link too!
The Navel of Narcissus
How truly perfect.
once more for those that skimmed:
Space Weapons Spending in the FY 2008 Defense Budget
Yes, that's 2008. Yes, it includes lasers amongst a number of other advanced energy directed technologies we have been talking. Yes, it includes quite a fleet of ships/satellites with guardian qualities and names like ANGEL etc.
That PDF from the Center for Defense Information is a great find! Sorry that I didn't comment on it before. Sure looks as if we've amassed quite the arsenal of energy weapons. Nanosatellites = soccer ball size, now that's some cool shiat! I see from a quick search that they use butane for propulsion. Some more searching is called for, thanks!
I was talking about that stuff years ago...
Well sure, we all were Sword, that was the nature of the Capt's Blog back in the day. But its nice to continue to pile on the features and facts, specially ones that have traceable legitimacy from the more formal sources.
clamytoe tks for your input. That is one of the few recent documents we have found that really shows a little more of our technical level at this time.
Many of the other pdf's etc I have found were still wrapped in 'research' and idea conferences and other vagaries.
Included so nicely there as well is the trade mark 33's we've learned to watch for.
....And YES, there it is coinkydinkally, the 33rd comment!!!
Ion seem to be needing a new frontier..
In dvd "Mystery of The Sphinx", John Anothy West found a box shape underground between the paws of the sphinx.
He hired a guy who hunts for oil deposits to look.
The guy used ultra sound or underground radar. Another guy went all around pounding a steel block with a sledgehammer, and the vibrations or echoes recorded by the oil hunter guy described a square or rectangular shaped cavity beneath the paws.
...and this isn't the only place that this sort of activity is taking place...
IonTruO2 said...
Well sure, we all were Sword, that was the nature of the Capt's Blog back in the day.
Yes but no one eluded to having them under there direct control on the blogg - or did they?
ericswan-needing a new frontier, no.
But that was a valuable input, eric. Could almost say it was 'timely'. ;)
A very interesting read. Thanks.
for others, a few terms that stood out. But I will say to crew it is worth the thick read in its entirety.
'fictions that make themselves real.'
Burroughs’s description of viruses in Ah Pook is Here: 'And what is a virus? Perhaps simply a pictorial series like Egyptian glyphs that makes itself real.’
In the hyperstitional model Kaye outlined, fiction is not opposed to the real. Rather, reality is understood to be composed of fictions – consistent semiotic terrains that condition perceptual, affective and behaviorial responses. Kaye considered Burroughs’ work to be ‘exemplary of hyperstitional practice’. Burroughs construed writing – and art in general – not aesthetically, but functionally, - that is to say, magically, with magic defined as the use of signs to produce changes in reality.
Sword, That was a telling link. Having been to the Lauray Caverns, I see the possibilities there.
Too bad...there aren't any caves up hoo. :)
you said: Yes but no one eluded to having them under 'their' direct control on the blogg - or did they?
...You are speaking of "having direct control" Sword?
O.k. Sword and co., here is a nice toy for those hard to reach missions.
The Mystery of the Sphinx is what started me on my Quest for All Things Hidden.
LooksUpAlot - about your "Mystery of The Sphinx", I remember reading of this long ago, here is a link I found with some of what I read:
Edgar Cayce had better access to the MATRIX of Knowledge.
I wonder what this guy really knows...
Food for thought:
They say that there are "black" space programs - yet the size and immensity of it almost begs to differ - where is it - how could they hide it?
With a little internet surfing magic - you can find an answer to present.
If they could do this during WWII - what other "holloywood esh" things could be done? And if your launching things with compressed air...
...its really not that hard now is it?
Can you email me?
Bad times in nashvegas-mom dying? or at laest pretty close.
guys I'm way out of loop.
Eric, thanks for holding fort.
Could use some FSHOD good healin love my brothers.
even you fool. :)
From the Sphinx dvd the story goes something like;
J A West heard that Edgar Cayce said that there is a box of records (from Atlantis I think it was) buried beneath the Sphinx paws.
I think also it said that Zahi Hawass would not let West proceed to digging after he found the box shaped cavity.
Supposedly prior to that Zahi had stopped a german team when they found a small doorway deep in a pyramid with their crawling / climbing robocam.
Do you think Zahi followed up in either case ?
If so, I wonder what was in the box
Tax rates by country. Gee, we aren't so bad off are we? the United States.
Canada on the other hand is sitting some where a little higher, but hey the universal health care is really worth it.
Taxes by Country
...To think in Canada and the U.S. our basic automobile overpasses have a regular tendency to fall down.
Oh such small thinking in the west at times.
Water Bridge Over the Elbe River in Germany
You should email that 'mile of miles' factoid to Goro. And man, you are HOT on catching all these 'Phoenix' references!, even those Einstiens, lol.
Hello and that WAS an interesting link to the Moonlet of War. Noticed the link had 'skyhook' in it...maybe it should have been 'ShitHook of Death'!!
Mrs Gort is going to include you in her prayer list.
My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time also.
Hang in there. Serenity now.
Scarletm..We meay loose our speaking voice but the soul doesn't need words to say "I love you". (:)
Stay way from PHX and Arizona:
Try this instead:
Even me Scarlet? Things must be baaaad!
I'm hoping things turn around for you soon. If you can get through the trying times, you'll be better for it.
Good luck.
The dirty little secret about taxation in a Central Bank system, at least in the corporate US and I expect everywhere else, is that not one cent of the money that is collected goes to any "social services". It all goes to pay off interest on the Debt. That list of tax rates does not include state, county or local taxes. Nor does it include the wide array of fees and license payments that is extorted from everyone. The State SUCKS!
True all dat, Fool. Little is said about how when the Bush Administration reduced taxes (i.e. bought votes), states/counties/localities were forced to raise their taxe/fees/license payments or reduce services (i.e. human resource attrition or outright firing) to make up for the shortfall. And you're right...none of that is probably reflected in those nifty charts, insteresting as they were.
Gort said...
An interesting coincidence of the Big Ben-Phoenix connection:
To KPAX Phoenix Sky Harbor Intl Airport, AZ, US
(That should read: KPHX.
I had a "typo" in my hand-written notes.)
corrected version:
Great Circle Route
From LON London(Metro area), England, GB
To KPHX Phoenix Sky Harbor Intl Airport, AZ, US
Initial Heading: 307 degrees NW
Distance: 5280 Miles
(5280 Feet=One Mile)
Thanks to you and Mrs. Gort for the prayers. Always much appreciated.
Thanks for the kind words. Those are appreciated greatly too.
I just must keep remebering that diamonds are created by huge amts of pressure over long periods of time.
I'll be AT least a 10 carat by the time this stuff with Mom is all said and done.(I'm probably at 2 carat right now)
That camoflauge netting and tromp-olay in the pictures of Lockheed-Burbank looks familiar. Especially the aerial view.
Maybe I have seen it in pictures of the surfaces of Tempel 1, Itokowa, and a City on Mars caled Cydonia.
Maybe the martians don't want us to see what they really have.
And if we were a more advanced civilization, we would design our cities to have less of a visible footprint and blend in more naturally with the environment.
We might have more "green roofs" and avoid the "heat islands" that develop over cities.
we would use point-to-point sraight-line tunnels instead of interstate highways to transport people and goods, avoiding the curvature of the planet surface and the dstruction of environment to pave paradise to put up a parking lot or a freeway.
Maybe put all the parking garages underground.
As a result our cities would not look like cities from the air.
Just a thought.
Would those horrendous fires in Greece that are threatening the birthpace of the Olympics be another part of the "torch ritual"
or another Phoenix/Firebird event?
And would you call them "Greece fires" ?
(sorry, had to)
Goro called them another 'torch ritual'...
- Space shuttle Endeavour STS-118 was launched on 8/8/07 with an Olympic torch on it's mission patch.
- The "Greece Fire' (LMAO, Gort) began 8/24, 3 days after the return of STS-118 on 8/21.
- 8/8/08 is the date of the Opening Ceremony of the 2008 Bejing Olympics. 8/24/08 is the date of the Closing Ceremony.
Roger your correction re: KPHX, Gort.
Not sure if you would, so I sent that factoid to Goro, FWIW. May or may not get used, but I thought it was a significant observation. Hope you don't mind me doing so.
No, I don't mind. Thanks.
I saw that torch on the STS-118 patch. My first thought was
"super torch ritual," but I suppose the official explanation is the torch of education--the teacher in space thingy.
The Endeavour was completely rebuilt before this latest mission, like a phoenix rising out of the ashes of Columbia or even Challenger(the first "first teacher in space") A resurrected classroom in space.
And the gashed tiles on the right wing remind me of the spear wound on the breast of the "risen Lord Jesus" after the "Resurection."
also reminded me of the intro to the Moody Blues "Ride my See-Saw." fly to the heavens without burning a wing, to lie in a meadow and hear the GRASS sing. To hold all these things in our memory's orb, and to use them? to help us?
In a previous post Gort said:
I looked at several observation points on Red Shift re: Big Ben's Bongs. My best guess is Poenix,Az.
The star Ankaa, (alpha phoenicis) in the constellation Phoenix, is rising on the sse horizon at 00:01hrs local (one minute past midnight) as Big Ben is striking 8 bells (8 AM) at 07:00 Gmt.
Based on readings by friend Goro, this shutdown of Big Ben seems to signal another event on the "Phoenix rising" ressurection timeline (of course the official excuse is they are cleaning and repairing it.)
Wednesday, August 15, 2007 12:07:00 AM
Big Ben shut down for repairs on 8-11-07 and the repairs are supposed to last "about six weeks."
Six weeks would be September 22, or about the Autumnal Equinox-- on September 23 this year.
We should ask RCH if the constellation Phoenix has anything to do with the Phoenicians or the
"Old Navy." ;)
... stayng tuned.
Not sure if I have to award myself the Peckerhead Award for pasting this, but WTF. I think it's important stuff.
American Nightmare: Gonzales "wrong and illegal and unethical"
by Greg Palast
Tuesday, August 28.
"What I've experienced in the last six months is the ugly side of the American dream."
Last month, David Iglesias and I were looking out at the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island where his dad had entered the US from Panama decades ago. It was a hard moment for the military lawyer who, immediately after Attorney General Alberto Gonzales fired Iglesias as US Attorney for New Mexico, returned to active military duty as a Naval Reserve JAG.
Captain Iglesias, cool and circumspect, added something I didn't expect:
"They misjudged my character, I mean they really thought I was just going to roll over and give them what they wanted and when I didn't, that I'd go away quietly but I just couldn't do that. You know US Attorneys and the Justice Department have a history of not taking into consideration partisan politics. That should not be a factor. And what they tried to do is just wrong and illegal and unethical."
When a federal prosecutor says something is illegal, it's not just small talk. And the illegality wasn't small. It's called, "obstruction of justice," and it's a felony crime.
Specifically, Attorney General Gonzales, Iglesias told me, wanted him to bring what the prosecutor called "bogus voter fraud" cases. In effect, US Attorney Iglesias was under pressure from the boss to charge citizens with crimes they didn't commit. Saddam did that. Stalin did that. But Iglesias would NOT do that - even at the behest of the Attorney General. Today, Captain Iglesias, reached by phone, told me, "I'm not going to file any bogus prosecutions."
But it wasn't just Gonzales whose acts were "unethical, wrong and illegal."
It was Gonzales' boss.
Iglesias says, "The evidence shows right now, is that [Republican Senator Pete] Domenici complained directly to President Bush. And that Bush then called Alberto Gonzales, the Attorney General, and complained about my alleged lack of vigorous enforcement of voter fraud laws."
In other words, it went to the top. The Decider had decided to punish a prosecutor who wouldn't prosecute innocents.
All day long I've heard Democrats dance with glee that they now have the scalp of Alberto Gonzales. They nailed the puppet. But what about the puppeteer?
The question that remains is the same that Watergate prosecutors asked of Richard Nixon, "What did the President know and when did he know it?"
Or, to update it for Dubya, "What did the President know and how many times did Karl Rove have to explain it to him?"
During the Watergate hearings, Nixon tried to obstruct the investigation into his obstruction of justice by offering up the heads of his Attorney General and other officials. Then, Congress refused to swallow the Nixon bait. The only resignation that counted was the one by the capo di capi of the criminal-political cabal: Nixon's. The President's.
But in this case, even the exit of the Decider-in-Chief would not be the end of it. Because this isn't about finagling with the power of prosecutors, it's about the 2008 election.
"This voter fraud thing is the bogey man," says Iglesias.
In New Mexico, the 2004 announcement of Iglesias' pending prosecution of voters (which he ultimately refused to do) put the chill on the turnout of Hispanic citizens already harassed by officialdom. The bogus "vote fraud" hysteria helped sell New Mexico's legislature on the Republican plan to require citizenship IDs to vote - all to stop "fraudulent" voters that simply don't exist.
The voter witch-hunt worked. "Wrong" or "insufficient" ID was used to knock out the civil rights of over a quarter million voters in 2004. In New Mexico, that was enough to swing the state George Bush by a mere 5,900 votes.
So what is most frightening is not the resignation of Alberto Gonzales, the Pinocchio of prosecutorial misconduct, but the resignation of Karl Rove. Because New Mexico 2004 was just the testing ground for the roll-out of the "ID" attack planned for 2008.
And Rove who three decades ago cut his political fangs as chief of the Nixon Youth, is ready to roll. To say Rove left his White House job under a cloud is nonsense. He just went into free-agent status, an electoral hitman ready to jump on the next GOP nominee's black-ops squad. The fact that Rove's venomous assistant, Tim Griffin, was set up to work for the campaign Fred Thompson, is a sign that the Lord Voldemort of vote suppression is preparing to practice his Dark Arts in '08.
It was Rove who convinced Bush to fire upright prosecutors and replace them with Rove-bots ready to strike out at fraudulent (i.e. Democratic) voters.
Iglesias, however, remains the optimist. "I'm hopeful that I'll get back to the American dream. And get out of the American nightmare."
Dreams. Nightmares. I have a better idea for America: Wake up.
Prayers are with you.
Know that I have been in the "Great In-between" six times and this will the 66th post :)
There IS something beyond. Take solace in that. the last three times in there I tried to stay but was 'pushed' back down literally.
I have some poetry for whatever it's worth about the changes I felt there...only two for now...but there are others on that artistic page.
The Ego You Are
We Are
More here if interested:
Bob's Other Art
Again prayers for your struggle...mine will come in it's time most likely since its the Universe's wishes to die before my parents.
oops that was meant to say NOT die before my parents.
Robert, more than pictures, such words from one who 'does know'.
A1, thank you for sharing that.
And yet it is Here that the heart aches, sorrow surges, energy flows and we are what purges.
As ericswan said earlier: "Scarletm..We may loose our speaking voice but the soul doesn't need words to say "I love you". (:)
As we have talked before scarletm, these are truly sacred moments, being with some one as they pass over. A moment, you can fill with love and ease their way.
The speaking time may expire, but the soulful heart relationship to Mother, needs no words and does not end.
A poem I have always loved.
"Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there,I did not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain,
I am the gentle morning rain.
When you awaken in the morning hush,
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight,
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry.
I am not there,I did not die."
from the 14th Dalai Lama...
"We have bigger houses but smaller families,
more conveniences, but less time.
We have more degrees, but less sense
more knowledge, but less judgement
more experts, but more problems
more medicines, but less healthiness.
We've been all the way to the moon and back
but have trouble crossing the street to meet the neighbor.
We built more computers to hold more information
to produce more copies than ever...
but have less communication.
We have become long on quantity but short on quality.
These are fast times of fast foods but slow digestion.
Tall man but short character.
Steep profits but shallow relationships.
It is a time where there is much in the window
but nothing in the room.
Sunking... I picked up the most amazing and easy to install widget that Blogger comments has ever allowed. I think you should check it out. ..Go to comments here...
Excellent eric!
We have oft bemoaned the inability to quickly share a pic in the context of a post. Something I had found more appealing at a forum structure like G-Deck.
It seems like poetry morning here.
O.k. may I offer one more that I jsut stumbled on from a Blog elsewhere?
What makes a man with a gun seem bigger
than a man with almonds? How can there be war
and the next day eating, a man stacking plates
on the curl of his arm, a table of people
toasting one another in the languages of grace;
For you who came so far;
For you who held out wearing a black scarf
to signify grief;
For you who believe true love can find you
amidst this atlas of tears linking one town
to its own memory of mortar,
when it was still a dream to be built
and people moved here, believing,
and someone with sky and birds in his heart
said this would be a good place for a park.
(Naomi Shihab Nye)
Interesting, in-depth article about a possible US-led (dumbass insprired) strike against Iran (may their beards and penis's fall off). Why can't we all just get along???
This is a test of Eric's pic-post thingie...
<'' alt='Free Image hosting by ImageSnap' />
This is no different from Photobucket or far. Eric, I tried all the different URLs that uploading an image gave me and I see none that osted the pic itself to the comments. Am I missing something here?
I Seemingly boring at first, but this may be worth the read...some interesting nuggets of info..even at the last.
Ray guns save lives: At least that is what some people think.
Ray guns don't kill's the initial heat blast the kills 'em dead.
Here's an interesting report...Herr von Braun was at Roswell during the famous UFO crash!
While we're all getting spiritual and sh!t, I guess I should apollo-gise to my fellow 'shoddies and to MR for being impolite.
I should not have directly asserted that he was "off his meds." Instead, I should have said his incoherent ramblings were such that a reasonable person might get the impression that he may be off his meds. Especially after his very coherent posts to Robert about the cydonia mapping.
I personally felt guilty for about week. Then I got over it.
But after his explosive response, I'm glad Sunking made him go "poof."
Anyway, I'm sorry we all went through that mess.
p.s. how do we know Gort is not part of TPTB ;)
Good Question! RCH had a post in 1999 entitled, "Trust no one, Mr. Hoagland".
Frank Burns: "I'm only paranoid because everyone is against me."
Von Braun certainly gets around. As Arte Johnson used to say when peeking out from behind shrubbery, "Verrryy interesstting!!!"
Typhoon Fitow
cat 1 now. headed for Japan. Will be a cat 4 by Sunday morning japan time.
Symbolism is everything:
TEMPE, AZ--(Marketwire - August 23, 2007) - University of Advancing Technology (UAT) instructor and senior web developer Joe McCormack has completed work on a web-based application that translates English words into cuneiform script from the Assyrian, Babylonian, Sumerian and the hieroglyphic script of Egyptian. The tool may be seen at his website,
Phoenix "connection" anyone?
Speaking of the symbolic, I thought this was pretty neat:
Image of the organizations "seal":
Who... who... ...who's wiretapping?
This list is long and distinguished - just like my... ...oh you have heard that one before? (sigh)
Interestingly enough - Hoaglands new blogg site has a post saying that NASA is the biggest spinner of things found on the wiki regarding there own activities.
It probably isn't NASA decision - but from higher up.
There is allot of talk right now among the "middle" level people from all camps (Rooster, Owl, Republican, Democrat) on a wide rang of issues - but it all comes down to - "What the hell is going on?"
Seems to me that the command and control is going awry - and - as large semi-autonomous groups like SWORD/GHOST are concerned - where preparing for the absolute worst - Civil War before or after "The Fall"...
One could argue that a totalitarian society is already here - but I would submit to you that not all of the military, indeed, a vast percentage, DO NOT subscribe to things that seem to be coming.
This move to "total control" (ala "Big Brother") over the middle east, its allies, and American citizenry - is being implemented with the excuse that it will "save lives" before and after the fall... ...and no one I know (and I know some folk) is getting behind that.
We have seriously over extended ourselves in the means of manpower. Sure, we can still blow the living shit out of anything we want on the ground - but we don't own or control it without hundreds of thousands of boots on the ground...
I don't know where I am going with all this - but I know where things are heading - and I just hope I can accomplish all that I need to accomplish and still hold my little "peace" of the pie together.
I hope our BGR's are better than the other guys...
Robert and Ion,
I am most humbled and warmed by you writings and posts. I am printing them and will keep them with me in those times of weakness.
Your kindness and friendship is immeasurable to me during this time.
We made the decision tonight to begin the Hospice process.
I know, as i write this I only have a matter of a few weeks left with her-and then i will officilally be an orphan.
I am having trouble contemplating how I am going to cope with both parents gone at such an early age.
To be alone in this world is going to be very very difficult for me.
Please bear with me if I am absent and a bit morose for a bit.
Thank God for you guys.
I'll never be able to thank you enough.
sister scar
Love ya Scar. Hang in there.
Gosh Sword, Civil War? So no one is immune to the general break down of "The Fall"?
you said: I hope our BGR's are better than the other guys...
iontruo2--> It isn't War of the World's is it Sword? It is really more like "War of the World".
The crazy competition of 'Final War'....even amongst yourselves in the U.S..
Struggle of the most pathetic human kind leading only to,as Da warned, early dissolution of the whole species. In other words a total failing grade...flush...reboot...cosmic start over. All human spiritual losers, get to the back of the class.
So, War of the World it is, and now we pray and hope our 'big giant robots' BGR are bigger and badder than whose? Everyone is in the self-destructing game.
I see now why we would have to keep very well ahead of the rest of the crazies in the East, but now you point to the immediate threat being our own? Oyeee.
Meanwhile over in Japan, they are snuggling up to The Bear of a different sort.
Aum's singular interest in weapons of mass destruction - including sophisticated earthquake, weather and plasma weapons - were considered serious enough to launch a special investigation by the US Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. Chaired by Senator Sam Nunn, the committee spent five months conducting hundreds of interviews of "both government and private individuals."3 These included classified briefings from numerous US intelligence agencies. Their findings were published in an October 1995, 100 page report on the Aum cult.
Aum and the "Moonies"
The Nunn report, in addition to outlining Aum's large international membership and massive finances of over US$1 billion, also revealed the cult's fascination for Tesla weapons. The Senate report describes Aum's visits to the New York based International Tesla Society (ITS), where they sought to obtain a number of his books, patents and papers. However, they must have been at least a little disappointed in what they were allowed to access, as we shall see. A representative of the ITS told Senate investigators that Aum's interest focused on Tesla's experiments with "resonating frequencies," in connection with artificially "creating earthquakes." Significantly, the report also states that Tesla claimed "...with his technology he could 'split the world' in two." This astonishing assertion closely parallels remarks made by Soviet Premier Krushchev to the Presidium in 1960, where he referred to "...the advent of a new class of Soviet Superweapon, so powerful it could wipe out all life on earth if unrestrainedly used."4 The comment, made at the height of the cold war, clearly did not refer to nuclear weapons - already an integral component of the feared Soviet arsenal.
"FINAL WAR" (saisho senso)
According to veteran Japanese investigative reporters, Yoichi Shimatsu Clark and Jack Amano, Soka Gakkei adhere to the teaching of the13th century Buddhist monk and prophet, Nichiren. Nichiren's primary teaching involved the active suppression of all other rival sects. In addition he zealously preached a doctrine of "Final War" (saisho senso) to be fought against the Christian west and the Islamic world.
The latter doctrine was revitalised during the 1930's by the chief military strategist for the Japanese Army of Occupation in Manchuria. Kanji Ishihara, an admirer of Adolf Hitler, maintained that a gigantic world conflict was approaching. This war, he believed, would be fought with mind-boggling "weapons from the laboratory" including chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. It was not a matter of chance that Manchuria was the principal location of the now infamous Unit 731 - a top secret biological weapons facility. It was here that unspeakable experiments were conducted on local Chinese and WWII allied prisoners alike. Japanese expertise in chemical and biological weapons gained during WWII was not forever lost. In fact it barely caused a mis-stride. Lt. General Ishii, Unit 731's most senior officer continued his work after the war under top secret US control.
Remarkably, the leadership of Aum also adhered to the teachings of the monk Nichiren and his 20th century disciple, Kanji Ishihara. Aum guru, Shoko Asahara was committed to the final war which predicted a prodigious struggle lasting 100 years. Also known as the "100 hundred year war," it pre-dates WWII and continues to be fought in the shadows, even as we speak.8 By the early nineties Aum had developed powerful nuclear bombs and were undertaking a "crash" programme to build an earthquake weapon, according to former Senate investigator, Dan Gerber.
Despite their similar outlooks, the rivalry between Soka Gakkei and Aum Shinrikyo was bitter. Numerous brawls between rival members had occurred. This appears to have been followed by a period of relative truce, corresponding with the period during which Aum was engaged, with the quiet backing of the Japanese Government, in the delicate negotiations with the Russians described earlier.
Unsurprisingly, as soon as pen was put to paper - between the Russian government and official representatives of the Japanese government - to ratify the agreements hammered out by Aum - the leadership of Soka Gakkai again felt free to re-commence hostilities against their rival. This resulted, Amano says, in the now infamous Tokyo gas attack. Vilified throughout the world - for an act of sabotage they did not engineer - Aum Shinrikyo's growing reach and power was effectively crushed. In one foul swoop, they cleverly neutralised their chief rivals and ingeniously acquired the weapons and technological expertise won by Aum during the round of tough negotiations in Moscow.
With their enromous clout, financing, and reach effectively making the Soka Gakkei the deniable face of the Japanese government it is feared they are carrying Aum's apocalyptic plans for global war forward.
In a feature article published earlier this year, Journalist Jack Amano, reveals how Japan's intelligence community learned of the existence of terrifying new weapons. In 1987, a Japanese satellite known as "Ginga" was launched. Circling the globe in high orbit, the satellite was said to be searching for "X-ray emissions from distant stars." However, its secret mission was to detect gamma radiation from both Russian and Chinese nuclear weapons tests. During June 1987, Ginga registered a massive pulse of gamma rays emanating from below the orbiting satellite. Hasty investigation showed the radiation emissions were coming from Kosmos 1900, a soviet satellite. The satellite was radiating the upper atmosphere Van Allen belts. The conclusion was that the Russians were engaged in weather engineering as well as a developing a space platform for missile defence and earthquake induction.
As information from the satellite "Ginga" filtered through to selected scientists, a graduate student at Osaka Prefectural University reviewed the data. Hideo Murai was one of Japan's leading X ray astronomers at the time. Thus began his ill-fated journey into the leading ranks of Aum Shinrikyo - the apocalyptic cult that was secretly sponsored by Toshio Yamaguchi, head of Japan's foreign intelligence service.
Murai, who knew all and - following the tragic Sarin attack on Tokyo's subway - was preparing to reveal all, had to be silenced. Meanwhile, the US ground-based "mirror" facility in Alaska, called HAARP, that duplicates the Russian abilities - went on-line in 1995.
Wow, weather control and the true weapons of total mass destruction were very well entrenched long before today. That link/story alone was from 10 years ago.
So, dear Sword, I really hope your BGR's are bigger and better. I really hope the Black Army can stay ahead of all these crazies and their 100 year war. I really hope this impending civil war, resolves fast and brighter beings prevail.
ericswan--Starts to make sense eh eric,as to what all this sovereignty stuff in our Cdn news is about. All this sudden questioning of our land to the north. Now everyone is trying to dispute it with us and our Inuit. Pole shift anybody?
...and still we wonder WHY Hoagland 'suddenly' went mia and silent right after all the hoopla over weather modification or as he termed weather wars?
...and now back to the topic of space and old Apollo stories....humdeedumdeedumb
A song that touched me this a galactic site. ( )
Hello Earth
Kate Bush
"Columbia now nine times the speed of sound."
"Roger that, Dan, I've got a solid TACAN
locked on, uh, TACAN twenty-three."
"The, uh, tracking data, map data and pre-planned
trajectory are all one line on the block"
"Roger (?) your (?) block (?) decoded (? recorded?)"
Hello, Earth.
Hello, Earth.
With just one hand held up high
I can blot you out,
Out of sight.
Peek-a-boo, little Earth.
With just my heart and my mind
I can be driving,
Driving home,
And you asleep
On the seat.
I get out of my car,
Step into the night
And look up at the sky.
And there's something bright,
Travelling fast.
Look at it go!
Look at it go!
[A men's choral passage in either Czekh or Russian is sung here.]
Watching storms
Start to form
Over America.
Can't do anything.
Just watch them swing
With the wind
Out to sea.
All you sailors,
("Get out of the waves! Get out of the water!")
All life-savers,
("Get out of the waves! Get out of the water!")
All you cruisers,
("Get out of the waves! Get out of the water!")
All you fishermen,
Head for home.
Go to sleep, little Earth.
I was there at the birth,
Out of the cloudburst,
The head of the tempest.
Murder of calm.
Why did I go?
Why did I go?
[The men's choral passage is sung again several times here.]
"Tiefer, tiefer.
Irgendwo in der Tiefe
Gibt es ein licht."
Go to sleep little Earth.
sample it somewhere if you like. A sad yet touching song as only Kate could do.
from the Hounds of Love album if I recall.
A quick sample is here:
Hello Earth- Kate Bush
Hey Ion
Yes, I still wonder WHY Hoagland went MIA, 100 year war or no 100 year war. The "evolution" of RCH from 1993 to 2005 reveals much.
HHMSS Sword said...
Symbolism is everything:
TEMPE, AZ--(Marketwire - August 23, 2007) - University of Advancing Technology (UAT) instructor and senior web developer Joe McCormack has completed work on a web-based application that translates English words into cuneiform script from the Assyrian, Babylonian, Sumerian and the hieroglyphic script of Egyptian. The tool may be seen at his website,
Excuse me if I'm being blockheaded, but one must ask themselves "What possible use can there be for an application that translates English into those languages?".
That makes no sense.
iontruo2, you remember correctly, it's from the Hounds of Love LP. I bought it in 1985. Hello Earth took on an exceptionally eerie quality the next year when Challenger was destroyed. I absolutely love Kate!
Het song This Mothers Work has me running for the kleenex box everytime.
May have to download that one.
"The Fool said...
I have 2 publications, one is Martian Horizons which was a Journal of The Mars Mission, and the other is Planetary Horizons which is an annual Journal of The Enterprise Mission. The Mars Mission Journal came out in the summer of 95 and The Enterprise Mission Journal came out in February of 97. I'll be curious to see if any of the photos in these journals show up in the book because I have not seen them anywhere else and they are VERY compelling."
hey fool,
why not scan & post the pics somewhere ?
Howdy Folks. Will here, just popping in to say I ain't dead (yet). The blog I was working on way back when had to be put on hold indefinitely due to time constraints and difficulty presenting my thoughts in a coherent fashion. I guess it's dead for now... no big deal. Maybe I'll resurrect my resurrection blog sometime in the not-too-distant future when my Internet access increases to more than a handful of hours per month.
So... what's anyone's take on Alan Watt of Cutting Through the Matrix? The real McCoy or just another dysinformatzya agent?
I dunno...I thoght that song was a little freaky...not to MY taste. And that galactic-server site was a little on the 'off-center', too. But that's just me. I did enjoy their statement about David Icke being ... less than desireable for the furtheration of galactic peace?
I know the hospice over here is really great...they really per my work buddy, whose wife passed a couple of years ago. He couldn't have dealt with it without them. I pray they are as invaluable to you, dear.
starshipconstellation/scarletm Right on, glad to revisit that.I was an old Kate Bush fan of the day when we were too cool in the 80's. Yes scar 'Mothers Work' was ground breaking and touched me too, as my mother stayed home to raise four boys.
Sunking: I had stumbled on that galactic-server site by happenstance in a search of something else, so no opinion on what it was really about or if of any value.
Some people loved Kate some people didn't, but she was hot and I thought hotter than Pat Benatar, or maybe that was just the hormonal swhing thing of a late teen near that time. :)
I found the space tie in specifically appearing in the song interesting, so there ya have it.
side note sunking:
Being an old Peter Gabriel fan, I always respected Kate's work because like him, she was renowned for her theatrical presentation with her music.
If your from the original "Genesis" years, ya know what I'm talking about. ;)
Lo and behold years later, a quiet wish I had came true and she ended up doing a duet with Peter Gabriel called "Don't Give Up".
Hello, WD!
Hmmm...Not sure about Watts. He certainly has gone to the Hoagland School of Marketing (i.e. 'BUY MY DVD!'). I listened to a couple of the radio shows links on his site...his info given therein is rather general and jumps around to diverse it's hard to figure out what his general policy statement is....but given the topic(s), it's the 'nature of the beast'.
KARMA ALERT! It all seems rather 'doom and gloom', every topic he touches. Again, not necessarily his fault, per se, could just be the nature of the beast....ummm...or IS he a fear monger?
Here's an audio clip of Watt with our brother-Shoddie, Mike Chambers:
Oh, I was making no judgement against YOU, re: that song...just stating that it was not MY cup o' tea.
But then I'ze an old fuddy-duddy! ;) asked the question.....what do YOU think of Alan Watt? Not fair to just ask an open-ended question like that here...and not give YOUR opinion at the outset!
SunKing said...
Excuse me if I'm being blockheaded, but one must ask themselves "What possible use can there be for an application that translates English into those languages?".
What - you dont think he has one that goes the other way? :-)
OCR (Optical Character reconigntion) has come a long way baby!
SunKing - I was thinking that Joe McCormack was working on some kind of communications device - if not that - I agree what would be the point?
Thanks to all - Y'all keep my mind active!
I'm an ld Kate Bush fan from the early 80's too.
I really need to put her on the ipod.
I mean why not-I've had her on vinyl, cassette and cd...
Well, guys-things are getting grimmer by the day for mom.
She's on so much morphine now she barely knows me and when she does she acts as though this is somehow my fault.
Meeting with hospice tomorrow to figure out all the options.
stay home?
go to hospice facility?
apparently lung patients are the hardest to treat because they panic and its hard to keep them from dialing 911..or the care giver panics and calls and then you have to start all over with the taking off of meds...
I'm totally overhwelmed. I have NO HELP at all. my sister is worthless and only worried about herself. She has no intrest in helping me through this.
I don't think i have ever felt so helpless,
then there is the sudden realization for all intents and purposes mom is gone...
just a shell
I'll never be her kid again.
we will never laugh again together.
Its all over but the physical body death. That's what is hurting the most.
I am in hell. truly, hell.
ScarLetm - May the Lords of Light Be With You Tonight!
Hey Scar..This is a unto others...You're not being tested. You are being refined. Your life is not on hold here. Your perceptions are being honed and sharpened. Don't hesitate to share with us. Don't be too hard on your sister. We don't all evolve at the same pace. I'm the oldest of six in my family and I've lost both of my parents. My mother was with me thousands of miles away when my dad passed away. I was thousands of miles away when my mom passed away. I didn't go to her funeral. Laying blame or looking for excuses won't change the facts. We each deal with this karmic wheel in our own way. Stay well.
Ion..Just one more little piece of the puzzle and it comes back to my haarping about the missing satelite "Compton" which NASA claimed they dumped in the Pacific on June 2, 2000. The major scientific experiment that was being conducted by Compton was gamma ray investigations. As I think you already know, Compton was part of the TDRS system which allowed communications to triangulate from Hubble to Chandra to Compton which I have stated was pirated (Sword are you getting this) out of the public domain, and into the hands of criminals (read bankers) that use the communication system in real time to "arbitrage" stocks, bonds, gold and currency. The Deutsche Bank is offering this service to their selected clientele and allows them access to all markets worldwide where they can shave points to make money. An example would be the buying and selling of gold or the U.S. dollar. They can buy gold at $666.14 in the South African market and sell it for $666.15 on the American market and do this in a matter of 7 seconds faster than anyone else. Hey, it's a job.
The problem with this pirated system is that the research is still ongoing but the data is no longer public. Gamma detection is a major defence initiative and it's controlled by criminal elements world wide. In other words, 911 was too sophisticated to have been done by any government including the U.S. To make a long story short, we are looking at the war of 1984 with 1. Oceania being the North American contingent including England, 2. Eastasia and 3. Eurasia. The pie has been split 3 ways and the individual countries and their governments are not running the show. Conflict between the three is money in the bank for the criminals, crime families and bankers that actually don't have a conscience, believe in God or respect their fellow man. As long as honest politicians can be murdered or corrupted or blackmailed, the course of human history spirals into the abyss.
ericswan back at ya.
scarletmJust remember Scarlet, it's not your 'fault'. The morph can be odd in how people phase in and out of the 'cloud'. Your mom's life angers, sub-consc. regrets etc are bubbling out.
Try to stay open. I know it is sooo hard.
As eric said, you are being refined, refined in this role of the highest order.
Remember you favorite song that popped up? "This" Mother's Work? Aren't you a Mom yourself?
We know you have a huge heart and now it comes full circle for you to serve her, as best you can. The gesture is the key scar, not some result or feedback.
Hospice facilities can be really helpful. More than the tech and the intensive services, if gives you a little breathing room to withdraw as needed to recharge.
Really, then you can serve her best, rather than being depleted 24/7.
Even though your Mom is withdrawn from the morphine and in some respects 'out of body', she is still 'present' with you and on a level can hear.
In the Tibetan Book of the Dead, it is explained why they read passages and instructions out loud during and 'after' a person has passed.....because they can still 'hear' for a good period of time. Auditory keeps working.
My encouragement is to do as you always have and speak as you feel to her and don't worry for a lack of response or outward animation from her. She will still 'get it'.
Your sister is avoiding, as a way to cope(so to speak). Some run to the sick person, some run away from it.
Dying is a tough one because it totally speaks to our own fear of death for ourselves and thus pushes the really big button for us. Please try not to judge her harshly. She is just not as clear or strong as you in this instance. It does seem it is your great task to walk through it with your Mom.
Sorry if I am sounding instructional scarlet. Its just kind of streaming out here as I type this.
If I may suggest. Give your Mother 'permission to go' with love. Convey it in words or even within as a feeling/thought. It is a important thing to do with specific intent. Nothing can be 'presumed' at this time.
Sometimes people will struggle to stay and drag on, because they don't feel they are free to release, while worrying deep within about their family. Sometimes that struggling tendency is amplified, in lung patients.
There is a transition coming that involves a release. But, like an elastic band stretched all the way, before it breaks, there is a tension.
A tensioning, that increases up to the point of 'letting go'. Or like a pressure building and kind of squishing your heart and making it 'ache'...literally.
Side effects that you can recognize and just acknowledge and 'be with'. Some 'helpers' feel 'head pressure' or head aches too. Its o.k. Just keep loving her, most importantly right now.
When she lets go and crosses, there is a component of relief or lightening and lifting of the atmosphere of pain scarlet. A whole room or house will even feel different afterward.
Hang in there dear friend. We Love you.
email me anytime.
Be strong scarlet, follow your heart. You are growing, knowing and it is intentions that count. Do not judge others, as ion remarked. You are the right person for this particular "job", serve with honor and excellence. We are with you.
Ion and Scarlet,
There was wisdom in those words. Scarlet, read that post again and take it to heart. The bit about placing Mom in the hospice should be considered, but the meat of that post relates to how you handle this situation internally, which will affect who you act externally. Talking to her and giving her "permission"...I dunno, something about what Ion said rings true and right...and righteously loving at the core.
All I can do not to just bust out in tears for you, dear.
Ion, you have me deepest respect and love for sharing your unique 'human beingness' with our friend Scarlet...and with us. That last post fully justifies why you are considered the FSHOD 'Chaplain'. Many thanks, friend.
Yup Yup Yup.
This Compton Piracy Theory (CPT), I know you've discussed it before and I find it interesting.
Is the CPT YOUR theory or is it more widespread?
How would a bank or banking system gain this bounty of their own satellite?
As in some other claims we discussed here, wouldn't that require the active or tacit co-operation of a large number of space or space-related agencies in a number of countries and, hence, be quite hard to be kept secret?
oh, Eric...I think your comparison of current 'alliances' (for lack of better or more thought out word) with those in the background plot of Orwell's 1984 to be quite provocative.
Another one for the 'Fiction Meets Reality' file.
Really appreciate that Sunking. thanks.
I've got tears right now.
Oh the heart ache for immediate family ...and best friends.
and recently: clamytoe's buddy named Dan
and Sword's friend Baker
as well.
SK: Re: My take on Alan Watt: I'm gonna take the easy way out on this one and say who the hell knows? :) I dig what you say regarding the marketing, but, like all of us, the guy's gotta eat. Personally, I think he has history, government, policy, etc. down pretty well, as everything he says in that department appears to be documented. Regarding his interpretation of symbology, occult stuff... again, who the hell knows? I ain't no semiotician. :) Only THEY know for sure. Which, of course, is our beef with Illuminism to begin with.
Baker was his nick name.
Barker was his given name.
All i can say is thank you thank you thank you thank you.
for the worrds-i take great and immerasurable confort in them. Printing all of it.
Well, we have placed her in the hospice care facility at the hospital. (Pallitive care they call it in Canada)It is on the 3rd floor (of course)of the hospital.
Her Hospice Dr.s last name is Henderson-which is my mother's maiden name...
It just suddenly hit me as i Type this she will never enter her home again. The home from which I type this on the computer I helped her buy-install etc...not 6 months ago.
Thanks again to all your hought to me.
Much love,
Sisiter scar
My heart goes out to you Scarletm, my thoughts and prayers are with you. I know what it is like to lose both parents, one when I was in my teens, the other just a few years ago.
iontruo2, with regards to scarletm's mother: well said, well said!
scarletm, know also that you and your mother are in my thoughts. My heart goes out to you. Crossing over is not as hard as being left behind.
Sunking:check your fshod hotmail account...
Anyone out there interested in the electric universe should visit this you tube cover for C2C with Noory.
New hurricane already CAT3
That would be tropical storm to cat 5 in 24 hours. Bush is in Baghdad and all is well on the western front. Not...
Hi guys,
Sorry that I've been quiet, I just got back from my buddy Dan's funeral service.
Scarletm -- I'm sorry to hear about your mom. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
I posted this at the DarkMission blog but it may take awhile for Mike to get to it, I wanted to share this with y'all:
MarsRevealer sent(yesterday) me his unfinished version of the "Dark Mission" cover he has been working on:
He told me that he now has it almost completed but a better image of the flag is needed. Right now MarsRevealer is having problems with his network connection and wanted to know how y'all/bloggers thought about this version of the book cover he is working on.
I have included 2 more he sent me with different fonts used for the title:
I think the unfinished version already is better than the one sent off to the printers. Face it or not, today a book is judged by it's cover, I find that if the cover is "interesting" I will pick it up to read more about it. The current cover has a boring and unprofessional look to it, just that one thing alone will cause a lack of sales. If you want to get the word out improve the package.
Meangreen..well we can only hope that there will be some "meat on the bone". The only pic I've seen that looks like "something" really looks like "something" was one I sent to Sword and attached to the Doug Yurchey word program that is linked at Sword's blog sans the pic with the geodesic dome in the crater. I asked Sword to comment on the pic and/or post it to his blog... Nadda.... I would send it to you but you don't do email at your profile???
I havn't checked my email today.
I do have to do civillian things outside of this silly - I mean - disclosure...
Which oodddily enough - brings me to the next subject- the next blogg entry.
I was thinking of going with the moon - but perhaps I should go with sword proper and guys I have found on the VIS (V.S.)...
Or perhaps I should speak of the second platoon of my growing company, and perhaps the men of my Army Air Core...
Whats it going to be?
Strike while the anvil is hot...
I checked my email again - I I do remember what your talking about.
I don't know what to say about an Apollo twenty...
I do know that Apollo craft have been launched and didn't go to the moon (they went else ware) - but in that lies all the fun secrets that our "ET ticket" should bring about...
Honertly - I think that is a fake. I have never heard of such things from Knights who have been there - nor - in any pre-action breifing I have been in.
However - even though "I" say it is a fake doesn't make it so. I wouldn't be surprised to have a last minute - FYI target come '08...
He's done with the book - wheres article seven?
Also - I was looking for ScaletM email address if any have it please send to
The mark of the beast?
Getting nuts...
From slashdot:
"California has passed a bill banning companies from requiring employees to have RFID chips surgically implanted. Already one company has been licensed by the federal government, implanting more than 2000 people. At least one other company —, a Cincinnati video surveillance company — already required RFID implants in some employees. 'State Sen. Joe Simitian (D-Palo Alto) proposed the measure after at least one company began marketing radio frequency identification devices for use in humans. "RFID is a minor miracle, with all sorts of good uses," Simitian said. "But we shouldn't condone forced 'tagging' of humans. It's the ultimate invasion of privacy.'"
Heres a link:,0,2715647.story
All the things my Father warned me about...;&version=50;
(KJV) Rev 13:16
Who will war against the beast? I,and my brothers will...
(And its talking like this that makes everyone around me so worried...)
If that passage is true, the beast will be mortally wounded by the "sword", but he will heal...
Interesting that the only souls getting through the Canada, U.S. border before they ran out of gas had the NEXUS pass.
One of the other technologies being foisted on the public is water meters. Apparently, big bidness likes them because they are fitted with scanners that will tell the big corporations just exactly what came and went in each household based on barcode scanning installed in the water meters.
Sword... I checked the word doc to look at the bucky ball in the middle of the crater. I have the original word doc and the html doc saved. The bucky ball pic has "disappeared".
How do they do that?
C'Mon troop - you've answered your own f'dam question...
Sword re: scarletm DONE. go check.
O.k. comment 133!
Signs of the times:
2007 will belong to Led Zeppelin
November 13th will see the release of yet another official Led Zeppelin greatest hits collection, allegedly compiled by the three surviving members of the band -- Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, and John Paul Jones.
I say 'allegedly' here, simply because this new release, entitled MOTHERSHIP, is suspiciously similar to the 1990 compilation REMASTERS -- which was a 2-Disc 'sampler' of that years' 4-Disc box set, which was referred to as simply, LED ZEPPELIN. Aimed squarely at 'new' fans, MOTHERSHIP contains 24 tracks spread out over two discs, with a nearly identical track listing. An example, 'When The Levee Breaks' was added, and 'Battle of Evermore' was deleted.
'Led Zeppelin-Remasters'>
Just to let y'all know-
Mom passed yesterday at 12:55 PM.
My sister and I were holding her hands as she took her last breath.
An intersting story later about the process...
and a "call" from her letting us know she got there OK.
Much to do and will be in touch later
Thanks scarletm. That sounds 'just right'.
My sincere condolences.
Scarletm, I agree. It sounds right. Including "the call". Hope she made a safe crossing.
Two haarpicanes making landfall in the same day:
My condolence's scarlet. Always a loss for words for me at these times.
We first met your mom when she got wounded on a cruise. I'm sure all of us here at FSHOD formed a bond and she will be missed.
You have my sincere condolences. I know that no words can make you feel any better, so just know that you have a family here that is grieving with you. I'm glad that you have received confirmation that she has made the journey. May we all be as fortunate.
Typhoon Fitow still headed for Japan.
Prayers and knowing joy in what is beyond:
Even Jesus Cried Out in Despair
All the best wishes for the future.
Hooray for Mum & you too !
Thru the painful part to the other side.
Onward & upward to da next chapter for her & family ! ! !
Just read in local 'alternative' paper that the Iolani Palace in Honolulu has Masonic symbols built in.
... said that Albert Pike initiated King David Kalakaua before the King built the palace.
It was a mere mention in a piece about a Palace tour this week.
Sounds like things went better in the end than you had originally been expecting. Glad to hear your sister finally 'made the scene.'
We see you being blessed with abundant happiness and appropriate sorrow and grieving. It's all good.
Gort & mrs. Gort
Anyone notice at Yahoo sign in, their line is: "One folder just for intergalactic email?"
Interesting to see numerous examples of this kind of language/terms of reference appearing in all types of media now.
I watched a movie on mainstream TV called "Who killed the electric car" which is about GM's "ev1". This car had a range of 300 miles could do 0 to 60 in 3.6 seconds, plugged into any electrical outlet and was mass produced due to a mandate in California for electric cars. The end of the movie showed the ev-one being carted off by the hundreds to be crushed and shipped.
The movie has a website..
Hey Wayne...chemtrailers are out in force and just when the weather was starting to look great in the high 80's and crystal blue skies. No indicators of HAARP running through but not enough cover for a complete transmission to the haarpicanes..
This is from a Yahoo news story: "A moderate, magnitude-5 earthquake struck the Gulf of California before dawn Wednesday near where Henriette was passing, but no damage or injuries were reported."
Wonder what the chances are that the two are connected?
Did someone mention a "bucky ball" in a crater a while ago?
I seem to recall ericswan.
Dome or ball, here is a nice shot of it for anyone looking at Mars pictures
geodesic dome in crater-Mars
Its a pretty clean shot.
If you can magnify well, it clearly looks open or blown open on the lower front of the dome itself.
A very distinct 3d geodesic appearance even at this res.
This was emailed to me yesterday:
hey Mean. Thanks for posting the images bro. ;-)
Here is this one. I agree. These fonts are the PERFECT set for this cover! You were right about leaving the outline also as it was.
Perfect & adds a glow like effect.
Please post this & inspire votes to be taken. Piss ugly cover?? Or this one? ;-)
IonTruo2 - I remember that one(some type of dome structure) from a few years ago, would be great to see if MRO snagged a pic of it - thanks for the link.
Ericswan I posted this on Sword's blog about your electric car but I'll repeat post here:
Paten for EEStor
While reasearching this I noticed articles as old as early they STILL haven't put one in a car and made it go yet.
Meangreen..Yup..much improved but the Orion belt might be a step backward. If I were standing on "Mars" what would I be looking at? How about Earth?
Did someone mention a "bucky ball" in a crater a while ago?
I seem to recall ericswan
It's very close to the pic that I received from Doug Yurchey except the Yurchey pic was in colour and the ball was in a larger crater and off to the North-east ?? side. This is a very intriguing pic nonetheless. Appreciate it muchly and thanx...
Robert.. I just had a capacitor changed out on my air conditioning. The technician took extreme care and caution with the little box making sure that it was completey discharged before he removed it and then putting a volt tester on it again even though he knew it was prolly drained. Until that little bit of hands on as I watched him do this task, I had no idea that a capacitor of the size of a cigarette pack x2 could hold a charge of 500 volts without being attached to an electrical source.
After reading the article that you linked, there is no doubt in my mind that we will see cars that don't need no stinkin' gas in our lifetime.
starshipconstellation said...
Wonder what the chances are that the two are connected?
Very good.
I have always stated that Harrp induced/modified weather had the side effect of earthquakes... ...Radar anomalies and Microwave anomalies can be found as well... to the fact that there are many ways to skin a CAT...
IonTruO2 said...
geodesic dome in crater-Mars
Thats almost to good to be true.
Probably a primary recon target...
you said...
IonTruo2 - I remember that one(some type of dome structure) from a few years ago, would be great to see if MRO snagged a pic of it
Yes! I didn't actually find that one(I'm no image master like Bob and the others).
Just 'fished' it from elsewhere, but I will watch for a more recent shot in the MRO images.
you said:
It's very close to the pic that I received from Doug Yurchey except the Yurchey pic was in colour and the ball was in a larger crater and off to the North-east ?? side.
Well that is interesting eric. Do you have the link again? Its almost like the two different images of the skulls on Mars that we just had.
Sword,Totally agree-almost too good to be true.
But I know those domes very well and the image there is well clear enough to even show the 'texturing'. Specific texturing that appears no where else in that image.
source file:
Yes, Buckminster Fuller was well liked up here in Canada. He invented his geodesic dome in approx 1940 and had over 2000 patents. Tesla Who?
Fuller wrote some 25 books, notably Nine Chains to the Moon (1938), Utopia or Oblivion (1969), Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth (1969), and Critical Path (1981)
My aren't those some interesting titles?! hmmmmm? ;)
So should we ask the question now: What did Bucky know and when did he know it?
Here are a few visual examples of the domes.
classic Expo 67 nighttime
texture detail
self cooling-wink wink! Ghana dome
Ion.. I sent the page to Sword when it had a bucky ball in it and mentioned on his blog that the image was sent to him. Then I recently mentioned that the image is no longer in that file. Nor is it on my computer. It got disappeared. I don't want to appear like a conspiracy theorist here but since I am, hehe, I'll leave it to your imagination of how I invented a bucky ball of all things, in a crater, that is now cloaked in mystery and then you turn up another image of what must have been something I just dreamed up. This is very strange. The problem is you have to trust me on that.
EricSwan - If the dome pic was part of a text/word document, maybe the image was not imbedded but linked, if this is the case then the image file would have to be available to the document when opened. Do you follow me? It is possible that the image file is on your hard drive somewhere or where you may have viewed it. What was the document about?
Scar...condolences and I hope some of the peace your mom now enjoys for you and your sister.
Hello, shoddies ;) It's been a while all though I've been lurking for a bit while taking the time to get caught up (hellofa read!!).
Ericswan - Here is an image from
Is this the one from your document?
re: Geodesic Dome on Mars.
Interesting...thanks Ion for the pic link and to others for the discussion.
I did some amateur editing and saw the following:
This is an image resize and cropping of the image Ion linked.
If you look closely, this looks to be a triangle/pyramid shape etched in the crater wall on the left of the dome/bucky ball.
If you look above and right of the dome, I see a cube/rectangular shaped artifact, with the lower left of the cube/rectangle surface rather shiny.
This image points to the areas I refer to:
Could the bucky ball have slid along the surface of the cube, thus the shiny surface area? Did the ball uncover the cube?
Or is the ball and cube one artifact? And if so, what the hell could THAT counfiguration (Cube and ball) be?
And is that a "pyramid marks the spot' symbol on the wall?
Zebo, mo-da-fo!!! SO glad to see ya! MAAAAAAAAN! Where ya been?
Hope all is well with you and hope to see more frequently!!
For the newer shoddies, Zebowho is the developer of the SHOD image! Our 'Logomeister'!!
Thanks for dropping in and saying 'Hi'! :)
I think those Dark Mission covers are somewhat ..... ummm silly, for lack of a better word. Maybe look better if they were 'morphed' (?) to look like an painting or something.
And if content of what might go in the book has not's irrelevant. No publisher would print it.
And if I paid good $$$$$s for that book, based on the lure and promise on the cover, and then read inside what I think is inside...then the author WOULD have some one truly after his hide!!!
Zebwho!?!?!? good to hear from you ol crewmate!
you said...
Ion.. I sent the page to Sword when it had a bucky ball in it and mentioned on his blog that the image was sent to him. Then I recently mentioned that the image is no longer in that file. Nor is it on my computer. It got disappeared....
Had some of that crazy stuff too, previously, and notably in blogger a few years back. Bummer, maybe meangreen's suggestion might help to find it. Clipboard maybe in the document program?
Sunking, Thanks for the editing! I wondered at first if the light area behind the dome was like Bob's examples of smoking pyramids etc.: an exhaust plume of sorts.
Now I kind of wonder if it might be 'embedded' structure attached to the dome? The dome looks 'entrance' like to me with that fairly clear opening at its front.
Like a hanger and base bunker. Cube and Ball as you suggested Sunking.
"marking the spot": That is a downward facing triangle?
I remember seeing an article a while back on fractal antennas.
Here is a logo I found on short notice:
downward triangle, possible fractal antenna
...and what do you know, my graphic example just so happens to come from a company called Fractal Antenna Systems Inc.!
in their opening statement: "today, we remain at the forefront of electromagnetics and fractal engineering."
Now, I am merely using their graphic logo to support the concept of arrays that are inverted triangles etc. but it is interesting to note what the possibilities are around this level of technology.
SunKing - Don't you think it is time RCH took a stand, and showed the TPTB what he is made of. The flag on the book cover needs to have more of a NAZI look to it.
ZeboWho - Cool logo!
you have been in my thoughts. all will be well.
meangreen what's the whole cover thing that marsrevealer is doing?
I don't get it.
The book in question has already gone to press--to print. Thus the opening of thedarkmission Blog.
Unless one is directly 'involved' with 'the plan', then who cares about the 'cover', let alone at this late stage in their release?
no disrespect my friend. I am just not getting 'his' initiative.
RCH has taken MANY stands over the last 15 years. Some he changes and some he won't "stand by".
how is the path to fatherhood coming along?
IonTruo2 - Checkout the HiddenMission forum, MarsRevealer was able to get his network connection working.
Hmmmm....Ion, I think that is an upwards-pointing triangle, rather than downward.
Hmmmmm, wonder if an upwards triangle antennae would work...don't see why not.
But then, I don't know the directional orientation of that photo, either. Is 'up' in that photo, truly 'up'. It's funny...if you save that image then,in a .jpg editor, rotate the image in 90* increments, the interplay of shadow and ball gane give you differing impressions. That was how I first noted the triangle...a WTF? moment. ;)
RCH should take a stand about which issue????
As far as having a Nazi flag on that cover...that would be too much like the truth, since our space program, and intelligence organs, owe so much to the the Nazis...or perhaps, more accurately, to der Shutzstaffel. That would be striking cover-work, having the twin-thunderbolt S's of the SS flag next to the lander, eh what?
LOL! re: "won't 'stand by'.
SK, Ion, thanks man for the Warm welcome back and intro :) I'd tell ya where I've been except I don't think it would be fair to take the PH award on my second post back!! The short of it is I've been working like a dawg, living and learning through this paradigm shift thats seemingly effected everyone and everything else in between...It's been quite interesting to say the least.
Its been too long and good to get back to posting around here!! MeanGreen, thanks for the kudos on the logo, glad you like it!!
I grabbed that image Ion, before I had to jet for a bit and cropped the crater as well as adjusted the brightness...there is a collapse or hole on the bottom side of the dome with some major cracks running up toward the top.
Click here for the image.
A thought: What if this wasn't built within the crater but instead created the crater!
Farming apparatus.
That is - a farming dome - the structure know as a box is the farm9ing shed which leads to the habitable underground facility.
This would explain the liner box to the north of the image and the "blow hole" direct below it to the south in the image...
I know this much - It was deliberately imaged for consumption - by everybody. Mars has allot of targets that someone wants "looked into" - this could definetly be one of them. I have been told that Cydonia is an extreme area of interest and I should be concentrating my efforts to that local.
However - there are so many areas on the planet that need "eyes on" - specifically the poles... ...which is where the water is at - or at least easy to get to...
Hi zebowho,
appreciate the image work. Tks and to Sunking too.
The hole on the bottom side really stands out now, and I can see the jagged upper edges.
O.k. I'll bite on the alternate idea. But if it 'created' the crater, ie impact, then it would certainly be in harmony with the spherical ship themes I have been seeing for a while now.
A controlled crash landing of sorts?
Maybe a jettisoned 'escape' craft/lifeboat from a larger vessel?
On one hand it does start to like a godly cosmic scale golf game too.
White ball and all. lol :)
Personally, my 'guess' leans toward an early Base ala Buckminster Fuller style.
Sword, taken at word, perviously said they went straight to Mars after the Lunar Landings.
The geodesic dome proved its strength and was all the rage for years when I was a kid. Every decent park had a small one for a climbing dome, and the one in Montreal from 1967 is still there. Even a few good houses I have seen were done via same methods.
Trivial linkage, I know,
but definitely a most curious image we have now.
ericswan said...
Sword..I emailed a copy of the above pasted link to the Bickle interview by Doug. Have you looked at the pic of the Bucky ball in the middle of the crater. The link "talks" about it but did not include the pic. Bickle says she has never seen that pic before and I wonder if anyone else has seen it. Is there anyone out there who could tell us if this is a photoshop? If it's the real deal, I'm sure RCH would like a copy of it. Why don't you put it up and see how long it takes for the image to end up "somewhere" else?
2007-08-22 8.11.PD
IonTruO2 said...
that link is to the video of the spaceship on the Earth-Moon and an interview with geologist Elaine Bickle.
2007-08-22 5.39.PD
The above is the history of posts that were made at Sword's blog on the bucky ball. I don't know why I rec'd the pic on the word doc, it disappeared on the HTML link then Meangreen found it again at Doug Yurchey's site.
My immediate impression of this object is that it really is "something" worth RCH's attention. Even worthy of his book. I still feel that there is something to this object. What I don't know from all of the comments so far, is just where is this crater?
Zeb..I was doing an email this morning before I had to go to work and scrolled past your addy and wondered where you got to. Good to hear back from you again. I got another UFO pic on Aug.22 and then missed a pic of some freakin bomber jet at roughly the same time the next day. All I could see when I snapped the pic was a black dot which my wife claims is dirt on the lens but in fact I have a couple of pics and only stopped snapping when the object could not be detected. They prolly wouldn't show up no matter how you tweaked it but if you want to give it a try, let me know.
ericswan said...
bucky ball... ...yadda yadda...
Sword -
Yes I never got that image - just the "Apollo" twenty sillyness
I posted this at Dark Mission and I know there will be no response so I'll ask here to see who can answer.
Goro Adachi "predicts" human civilization will migrate to Mars. Given the discussion of the Bucky Domes, what technology exists that would allow humans to inhabit a planet that has a mass that is 11% that of Earth? There ARE problem with that scenario. How about the problem of a mass migration through the Van Allen Belts? That is also problematic.
How problematic a mass migration from Earth through the Van Allen belts really depends on how advanced the space vehicles turn out to be. Past FSHOD discussion about the "other" space programme makes me think that if such an event were to take place then the ships making this journey may have already found a way to deal with the radiation.
For the sake of discussion, what are the problems associated with living on a smaller planet and what are the workarounds for life there? Aside from the obvious atmosphere and temperature problems, what about differences in gravity? Electromagnetic fields? Shielding from radiation? Potential for contracting all kinds of nasty Martian diseases?
Or how about the possibility the planet is already inhabited and those who are there are not crazy about us crashing the party? I'm referring to non humans rather than any potential covert inhabitation of the planet by former citizens of Earth.
I'd like to say that there is a slight (and I do mean slight) chance that there are "old" inhabitants on Mars...
However - I can say here that for several decades there have been individuals on mars from our planet researching (more like searching) and living there for decades. "Gone Native" I could call it.
If there are "old" inhabitants on mars - chances are they are far more related to us than you could imagine - and I would indeed call them "human"; seven and half foot tall humans, but humans none the less.
The fact that there is less gravity, little atmosphere, and little or no magnetic field does not cause any hurdles that cannot be overcome.
Radiation is an issue - so for habitation - you dig and live underground.
Food can be grown, as any number of plants for any number of uses - such as hemp for clothing manufacture and relaxation.
The crop area can also be used for air recycling and water purification.
Large scale operation - hell no.
You could fit a water filtration plant, a power plant, even a oxygen farmer in something slightly larger and heavier in the same space that a lunar excursion set up on a Atlas Rocket...
Now - mass migration - what are we talking about? 100k people? 250k people in a single load? Not possible right now...
However - 7500 personnel (cramped) for research and base set up - sure WE can do that...
...but we are no where near the levels of MASS migration.
I'll explain this once and hope TPTB don't do what they have been doing to me with more and more frequency.
There is a reason why there is a "window" of opportunity when space missions leave the planet. It may not be the reason that they tell us but I think we can agree that their is a window and it is time/space based.
My "theory" is that the Van Allen Belt is a barrier going in and coming out. The only way through that space is time. We have to wait til the space time moves before we can leave earth and arrive in Mars.
In other words, parked until Mars gets here.
Hold on, now I am laughing Sword. Having just posted at your Blog, this cracks me up. :)
Hollowed out asteroids are a choice way to move numbers through the Van Allen Belt, with the best 'natural' shielding. If we don't 'drive them yet, we can probably just 'tug boat' them.
Hey hey buddy can you drag over Phobos there, we need it for a pick up. (humour)
Now as you are referring to a premise of 'Mass migration', I really like your reference : in a single load.
...and Mass migration is not total.
The Fool
you said...
how is the path to fatherhood coming along?
Thursday, September 06, 2007 12:35:00 PM
Very well, lots of changes, reno big time. Wife is not so sick as sleepy now at 6 months. Yet she is there and on for horse duties and 'dog' walks each night.
There ya go on Mars! I'd take that tee time in a heart beat...Ya way to go on the imaging too SK, noticed after getting back in and catching up with the posts!
The "crash landed something" made sense when I started to consider all the artifacts we've all read about within the solar system plus the Sumerian Annunaki or the story of Enki rather and how they would have "relay/stopping/exile points from Nibiru to here. Then there's the whole Iapetus enigma if its in fact a giant Bucky ball. Of course I don't know what a shem looks like either!!
Even after all that I think I'd have to agree with leaning more toward a Buckminster style building. Placing one of those in the middle of surrounding natural structure makes sense if one is looking for added protection.
Any hints on what else we should be looking for sword?
Thanks Eric, I'll send an email, I think I still have yours. Send the images and I'll see what I can do.
BTW, congrats Ion on the soon to be new addition.
IonTruO2 said...
Hollowed out asteroids are a choice way to move numbers through the Van Allen Belt, with the best 'natural' shielding. If we don't 'drive them yet, we can probably just 'tug boat' them.
Your absolutely correct on that aspect - a hollowed out asteroid would make a fantastic "Love Boat" - the biggest problem right now is getting one in place that we could work on. Certainly the science is there - just not the goods - just yet.
Right now where trying to avoid rocks - not get in them... ...yet.
However - I have not heard any plans to do this - maybe fifth-teen twenty years from now - but not right now...
I have noticed your post - sounded like you where pist... ...ill get to replying soon...
zebowho said...
Any hints on what else we should be looking for sword?
Stuff like this geo-dome.
Any high resolution images of areas to the south west and south east areas of Cydonia.
I have a firm belive that we will find some sort of serious biological record to the south east - asn some very serious data in the form of records to the south west...
But what do I know...
The following is a quote from Eric Julien's paper on Time and several unique contacts with UFO's. I would also like to point out that the same phenomenon that creates an antigrav craft, is revealed in several Bob Lazar videos as a saucer that moves through time. The link at the bottom of the page describes the UFO craft again a saucer, that allows us to build our own monument on Mars in the past and bucky balls for you and me in the future.
"3-D TIME.
A strange phenomenon occurred on March 7th, 2002, quite late (11.30 pm) on a Thursday evening in the house where we lived on the island of Reunion. While I slept, my wife heard an intense noise followed immediately by the barking of the dogs in the area (a quiet country area). This noise sounded very similar to what she had heard during her UFO experience near Gap(France) like a wire spinning very quickly with sudden banging or cracking sounds. The sound was so loud that she thought at once of a helicopter which was going to crash down on us. However, the "volume" of the noise was so great that it was far louder than the blades of a helicopter. So she was expecting a terrible crash but it didn't happen. The sound rapidly disappeared.She went to look through the window but no neighbour showed the slightest movement. Then the barking stopped.
My wife told me all this the next morning at about 11:00.
I got up at 4:30 and began writing for three hours. In fact, the visions which I had had in 1990 resumed their intensity in understanding without the actual images being seen. I felt a compelling order to pass on this information.
New information reached me some of which is going to drastically change our vision of the world and the equations of the physicists.It gives a prodigious coherence to all UFO and paranormal phenomena:
The unit of time expands or contracts!
Parallel universes are nothing other than a different flow of time.
In fact, time possesses three dimensions ! It's not easy to read what follows without a good dose of concentration because it is a little bit difficult. But if it were easy to get out of the matrix we would have already learnt how to do it. So here is the triple nature of time :
Direction of the flow of time. It is the sequence of time that establishes the relation between causes and effects. In a trivial way, it is the arrow of time.
It describes the visible transformation of matter and events. The direction of time is not linear but intermittent. The direction of time has two directions that can be represented by a graph axis of a function.The most acceptable is therefore the natural arrow of time going from past to future. The second direction goes from the future towards the past. This one is more difficult to interpret because it occurs beyond a definite rate of flow (see the density below). The keyword of Dir-Time is: transformation . It is therefore the direction of the variation of the time units during an exchange of information or a movement.
Unit of time: temporal quantum ( Qt). Notion introduced in September, 2002.
Fluidity of the flow of time. It is the relative quantity of time that affects the behaviour of matter and events. It describes their speed of transformation.
The density of time is not linear but intermittent,therefore fractal. It implies that events are more or less numerous in quantities of time that are defined by convention. In other words, in a density of time D, there are fewer 'bits' of information than in a density D+1.D-time can be represented by a graphic axis describing the passage from one density to another. The keyword of D-Time is: speed (of transformation). It is a quantity of time units during an exchange of information or a movement.It is also extended as the possible quantity of information or the quantity of movement per conventional unit of time (second). The temporal density is the key of the science of tomorrow.
It is necessary to understand that in one second, there is a variable quantity of units of time. The higher the density of time, the higher the number of quantas of time (we'll come back to this later on). But all the densities of time are flowing at the same time, including in the past and the future which should not be confused with the transmitted information. The more temporal density there is, the farther one goes in the past and future.
The alignment of the Quantas in the harmonic frequencies. The variation of P-Time affects the cyclic character of events when they return to their initial point. The Present does not depend either on the direction or on the Density of time but it is the link between them. It is a common number of units of time between different time densities during a transformation in a balanced state. One passes from one density to another thanks to the present. The keyword here is : permanence (no transformation).
The present such as we usually conceive it does not exist !It is an illusion and a convention of language. It will always be only a past or an immediate future up to the time of Planck (10-43 second) because it is only a problem of scale. This big truth is to be meditated upon for a long time. For a very long time.
To summarize, 3-D time is a hologram in which our consciousness evolves by successive jumps in three simultaneous directions. Far from being unfounded and speculative, 3-D time is scientifically verifiable. Besides, it is what we do every day thanks to computer technology."
Space based fireworks...
Sounds like a cover story in the works
HHMSS Sword said...
I'd like to say that there is a slight (and I do mean slight) chance that there are "old" inhabitants on Mars...
However - I can say here that for several decades there have been individuals on mars from our planet researching (more like searching) and living there for decades. "Gone Native" I could call it.
Aaaaaallright, Sword....the needle on the ole BS Detector is twitchin' like a man with St. Vitus Dance on Viagra!
Got anything to back that extraordinary claim?
Have any of these other websites that y'all say have discussed this Bucky-ball image talked about the triangle and the box like we have here? I can hardly believe that Zebo and I are the only ones to edit the image and find was was so readily visible?
But if we are, maybe we should do a blog piece about this on FSHOD?
Anyone know any particulars on the 'provenance' of this photo?
Sunking...I'm pretty sure it's the golf ball on the moon. Now if we could just get that kind of resolution to the face on Mars...hehe
Well, listening to John Lear and Richard Hoagland this morning.
Part 6.
Hoagland responding to John's points about the newer structures and mining already going on, on the Moon.
Rich said: ...not for minerals, thats passe' "we are mining for the retro engineering of the ancient technologies that are deep under the visible battered surface."
He further speaks about how 'someone' did us a huge favour by so nicely clearing a perfectly clean area which allows us access to a structure well below ground level. Kind of a "Go Here" sign.
Later John Lear is talking about guys who are up on the Moon going through a 24 hr decompression in order to breath the 'atmosphere' that the Moon has,
which is equivalent to 15,000 feet on Earth.
Then he continues with 'now if your working in a dome...'
Hmmm? (ignorant ion scores and rbi).
From a comment made from John Lear earlier in the program pertaining to the Hollow Earth theory. I did a little search and what do you know a patent shows up. Lofty recognition.
On November 25, 1912 Marshall B. Gardner of Aurora, Kane County, Illinois, USA, submitted his discovery application to the United States Patent Office. 18 months later, on May 12,1914, this federal agency granted Mr. Gardner United States patent 1096102, the second most important scientific document ever issued.
For reasons which even Mr. Gardner could not have fully anticipated in the early 1900s, and which are now abundantly clear, his discovery soon became the most highly classified military secret of all time. In 1913 Gardner wrote his original book proving beyond any doubt that our Earth is a hollow sphere. So voluminous was the evidence which he continued to amass from studies of astronomy and Polar exploration, that he expanded his book to 450 pages in 1920.
My gosh more and more we are looking like true blue mushrooms having been fed a steady diet of bullshit til now.
The physic models you were taught, well err um, not necessarily true or complete. Oh no, we used anti-grav back in 62 for a Moon mission. Oh yes, forget all that geology we peddled to ya back then too in high school and university, it was er umm kind of fictionalized and taught to us kids as truth. We call that education. gee why are you mushrooms so unruly and confused?!
What a weird sensation when you wake up even more, to realize that we are some kind of 'minority', fed a true blue illusion while a whole other society was in on it.
You can see why I could give a rats ass for the political appearances here til now...its all a theatre, a charade...a facade. The whole shembang tailored to delude the surface dwellers.
I think it was John Lear who also said, What the hell for?
I say, it wasn't a question of how we the mushroom people 'would' react (ala Brookings etc), it was bullshit right from the start. Bullshit came first. Ignorant public reacts subconsciously, to untruth.
I never had to really know lies and liars, I could always FEEL them.
What was Gardner's patent, Ion?
And why should we belive that Earth is hollow inside???
Scarlet, my condolences as well. May God/Spirit be with you.
So Sword seems to think that Disclosure is not too far off, albeit arriving slowly, like a leaky faucet, a few drips at a time. So what happens when the levee breaks? Will this lay the groundwork for the long-rumored fake(?) alien invasion?
Next Tuesday is:
A new moon
The day before Rosh Hashonah (sp?)
The day before Ramadan
Watch out...
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